Glasgow West End: About Pat Byrne
The Glasgow West End Web site – Launch Party! all the incriminating pictures. ๐
Although born in Glasgow at Rottenrow Maternity Hospital (December, 1946), I was brought up in Old Kilpatrick, a village half way between Glasgow and Loch Lomond. When I was young it was a great treat to go ‘up the town’ and Glasgow has always seemed to me an exciting place to be.
Whilst familiar with the City Centre the West End was a later discovery – when I went to Glasgow University as a student in the late 70’s I began my exploration of its cafes, pubs, restaurants and shops. In 1982 I lived in Vinnicombe Street for a few months with my friend Marcia De’Oliveira (R.I.P.) then in 1990 I bought a flat in Oakfield Avenue in Hillhead. In 1992 I moved round the corner to Glasgow Street where I lived with my husband, Jim Byrne (songwriter, musician and Internet guru) until, 2007.
Now we are in Anniesland and I kind of miss being in the heart of the West End and remain smitten by the area. I have continued my investigation and remain intrigued by the place, the people, the parks, the history, the architecture and the atmosphere and continue my observation as though a privileged visitor.
I love to stroll round the Botanics and take my grandson, Ryan, to the Children’s Garden, to the swings at Kelvingrove and to the Transport Museum. (That was back then, he’s a teenager now – likes to kick the football about and these days we hang out at the cafes rather than the swings). I like going to Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, a place that you just cannot tire of and having a little wander around The Hunterian at Glasgow University. I’m very attached to the University; I worked there for a short spell as research assistant and graduated, twice โ M.A. (Hons) History and Sociology, 1982 then M.Phil, Urban Policy 1996.ย Jim and I were married in the University Chapel in 1991. In 2013 I completed a third degree at the Uni, M.Litt in Creative Writing.
I love the buzz of Byres Road, the new establishments, the old favourites, the lanes and the interesting shops and shopkeepers. I enjoy the variety and contrasts to be found on Great Western Road – the extensive retail therapy on offer, the view from Kelvinbridge, the elegance of the grand terraces, the huge mature trees and the liveliness of the people.
The creation of this Web-site has provided me with the perfect, and most legitimite, of reasons for dining out, going out and finding out more about the West End. Family, friends and their friends are also enthusiastic so I am enjoying listening to their views and absorbing new information – which I will be able to pass on through
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me with your own stories – whether it be memories of the West End, where to find great bargains, or even why my views of the West End are all wrong – anything in fact you think is interesting.
I should really have retired now that I’m in my seventies but I’m on a very enjoyable treadmill:)
Ten Writers Telling Lies
Apart from working on the website, I’ve been involved in some other projects, mainly related to writing and music.ย ย The latest venture is Ten Writers Telling Lies, a project dreamt up by Jim, where ten writers, including me, have written stories or poems related to ten pieces of music.ย ย In 2016 we had three very successful taster events at Glasgow’s West End Festival, we will appear there once again this year (2017) at Waterstones Byres Road โ prior to that the book and cd will be launched at Cottier’s Theatre on 27 April, 2017.ย We’ll also be performing at other events throughout the year ahead:ย back at West End Festival in June and in May we will be at Scottish Writers, CCA and Booked! West Dunbartonshire Book Festival.
I missed our event at Aye Write as I was sick so really pleased when Ruby McCann and Jim Ferguson invited me to perform at Cheeky Besom’s event at the festival. I’ve enjoyed chatting with both Ruby and Jim and many other interesting Glaswegians on Jim and Pat’s West End Chat Podcast.
Although life has been very different during the pandemic I have been very busy on the website promoting Zoom events.ย I’ve also been helping to support various campaigns including Save the Winter Gardens at The People’s Palace and Clydesiders Ship Yard Project . Stay Safe Everyone.
Please get in touch if you would like to contribute to the site. .
Pat Byrne
The Picture House
Ascot Gate
G12 0AP
0141 334 1650
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