I Was A Child Of The Thirties – Christina Byrne
Christina Byrne – Essay on Growing Up in Clydebank I was a child of the thirties I was a child of the thirties and forties, growing up with rationing and war-time shortages, and one item that was in very short supply was money. My father had an allotment where he grew soft fruit and vegetables […]
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Thursday, December 17, 2020 | Filed under: Christina Byrne, Writing
A Walk in the Kilpatricks – poem by Christina Byrne
(Looking down from the Kilpatricks to the River Clyde – by Gary Mullen) A walk in the Kilpatricks Onward and upward, my weary boots trudge They said it was a gentle slope To me it seems a mountain Just don’t look up, keep walking Your mind intimidates You think you just can’t do it Then […]
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Monday, June 15, 2020 | Filed under: Christina Byrne, Coronavirus stories and poems
The Old Baths – Christina Byrne
Social History Essay on Clydebank by Christina Byrne Go for a swim these days and you’ll find yourself in something called a Leisure Centre. Swish and sophisticated it will have rooms with sprung dance floors and wall to wall mirrors for aerobic classes, a gym with lethal machines to trim, tone and torture, possibly a […]
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Sunday, January 3, 2016 | Filed under: Christina Byrne, Writing
First School by Christina Byrne
(The Clydebank Blitz, evacuation, coupons and going to primary school) We had been blitzed out of our house and evacuated to Airdrie. There we lived with a family of two adults and four children in a three-bedroomed house. Whilst some folk in our street went to live in large mansion-type houses, our hosts had a […]
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Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | Filed under: Christina Byrne, Writing
Christina Byrne – 17th December, 1936 – 17th December, 2012
A beautiful song Jim wrote in memory of his mother: Promise That We’ll Meet Again It was a terrible shock to her friends and family when Christina Byrne, my mother-in-law, did not recover from a heart operation just before Christmas, 2012. Christina, or Rena as she was also known, will be very much missed. She […]
Read the full article: Christina Byrne – 17th December, 1936 – 17th December, 2012
Sunday, December 27, 2015 | Filed under: Christina Byrne
Glass Nylons and Woollen Combinations by Christina Byrne
Starting work in Clydebank in the 50’s ‘You can start on Monday and the wage is 29/6d. a week with 2/5d. off for National Insurance.’ It was 1951 and I had been offered my first job. I was to work in the Scotch Wool and Hosiery Stores in Glasgow Road, Clydebank. I started at nine […]
Read the full article: Glass Nylons and Woollen Combinations by Christina Byrne
| Filed under: Christina Byrne, Writing