Languages Short Courses Open Evening, University of Glasgow

4 September, 2019 – 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. University of Glasgow, St Andrews Building, 11 Eldon Street, G3 6NH Would you like to speak another language but not sure if you can? Or perhaps, you want to sign up for a language course but not sure which is the right level? Come along to […]
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Wednesday, August 7, 2019 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Courses, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
University of Glasgow Short Courses Open Evening 2019

21 August 2019, 5.30-7.30pm University of Glasgow, St Andrews Building, 11 Eldon St, Glasgow G3 6NH Great opportunity to talk to tutors, and learn about the 250+ short courses on offer each year at the University of Glasgow. This event, being held in the St Andrew’s Building, is for anyone wanting to learn for pleasure […]
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Friday, July 19, 2019 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Classes and Workshops, Courses
Creative Writing Courses – University of Glasgow

Have you ever fancied writing a novel, compiling a collection of short stories or completing a portfolio to enter a degree course at Glasgow University? Degree Level courses in Creative Writing are offered at Levels 1, 2 and 3 are taken by undergraduate and international students and are also open to the public. What the […]
Read the full article: Creative Writing Courses – University of Glasgow
Sunday, August 26, 2018 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Classes and Workshops
Short Courses Open Day University of Glasgow, 26 August, 2017

26 August, 2017 10.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. The Glasgow Club Kelvin Hall, 1445 Argyle Street, Glasgow G3 8AW Open to the public, come along to the Short Courses Open Day! 26 August 2017, 10.30am-1.30pm – a great opportunity to learn about the 250+ courses the University offers each year. Short courses are delivered throughout […]
Read the full article: Short Courses Open Day University of Glasgow, 26 August, 2017
Wednesday, August 9, 2017 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Courses, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
Mary Irvine’s blog: A Stimulating Day – Editing Workshop with Alan McMunnigall, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow

Recently attended another day school at the University of Glasgow. Editing! As I’m about to embark on a five week visit to Greece in order to edit a 60,000 word manuscript I thought this was just what I required. Must add here that I signed up for this course as soon as I saw it […]
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Mary Irvine: Writer and Philhellene
Centre for Open Studies: University of Glasgow – Writing Fiction: Intermediate

Creative Writing – Writing Fiction: Intermediate Wednesdays: 28 September, 2016 – 22 March, 2017 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. This is a credited course, which can assist entry to full time study at Glasgow University for students who excel. The course will allow students to advance their knowledge of the structures and techniques found in […]
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Classes and Workshops, Courses, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
Narration And Perspective In Fiction, Sat 29 October, 2016, Creative Writing, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow

Narration And Perspective In Fiction Sat Oct 29, 2016, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Centre for Open Studies University of Glasgow Narration and perspective are fundamental and important elements of fiction. This day school will look at how writers employ narration to develop plots, tell stories and create characters. We will examine the approaches that […]
Friday, August 19, 2016 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Writing Short Stories, Centre for Open Studies, Creative Writing, University of Glasgow Starts 26 Sept 2016
Writing Short Stories Centre for Open Studies Sep 26, 2016 – Mon Mar 20, 2017 This course will help students to explore the short story in terms of story types and structural aspects of the form. Students will have the opportunity to develop their own writing skills through exercises and assignments. Theories of the short […]
| Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Write First Time, Creative Writing, Centre for Open Studies University of Glasgow Starts September 28 2016

Write First Time 1 Centre for Open Studies Wed Sep 28, 2016 – Wed Nov 30, 2016, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Through close, textual analysis and discussion of material students will learn about writing techniques across a range of forms, including poetry and prose. A weekly writing task will be set to help students […]
| Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Creative Writing – Editing Workshop Sat 4 Feb 2017

Editing In Fiction – Centre for Open Studies Saturday 4 February, 2017 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Editing is one of the most fundamental and important aspects of writing fiction. This day school will look at different ways that writers edit. We will examine approaches writers use to edit and redraft fiction. Published work and […]
| Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow: Centre for Open Studies: Ten Writers Telling Lies West End Festival 2016

Ten Writers are participating in a project with the musician Jim Byrne to produce a book and complementary cd, which will be produced early 2017. In the meantime you can catch them perform their work at Three Events at the West End Festival 2016 Of the ten writers, six are students from the Centre for […]
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Events, Fairs, Festivals and Fundraisers, Pat's Home Page Blog, Ten Writers Telling Lies, West End Festival 2016, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Ten Writers Telling Lies at West End Festival
At this year’s West End Festival Ten Writers are participating in an event with musician Jim Byrne. Of the ten five attend Alan McMunnigal’s Creative Writing Classes at Glasgow University. Some have also studied at Glasgow University’s M.Litt in Creative Writing. They include writers whose work has been published in Germany and by Legend Press, […]
Introduction to creative writing: the short story, Centre for Open Studies, Saturday mornings 2 April – 4 June, 2016

University of Glasgow – Centre for Open Studies Introduction to creative writing: the short story Saturday 02/04/16 – 04/06/16: 10.30 – 12.30 Tutor: Pam Ross B.A. M.Litt In this introductory course students will study the short story form, looking atstructural aspects and techniques from a writer’s perspective in order to help develop their own writing. […]
Centre for Open Studies University of Glasgow, Writing Fiction, Tuesdays from 29 March, 2016

This course will focus on the discussion of students’ fiction. Literary forms and structures will be discussed. Published work from a range of authors will be studied and students will learn a range of literary techniques that they can develop and employ in their own fiction. Tutor Alan McMunnigall Ten Nights 7 – 9 p.m. […]
Wednesday, March 2, 2016 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Courses, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
Introduction to Fiction Writing, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, 12 January – 15 March, 2016

Introduction to Fiction Writing 2 – Pamela Ross Tuesdays 10am-12pm St Andrews Building, University of Glasgow. This course for beginners will introduce some of the basic techniques of fiction writing. Discussion will allow students to improve their understanding of fiction and produce writing during the course. (Note: this course is a stand alone course – […]
Friday, January 8, 2016 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow: Writing Fiction: the short story 12/o1/16 – 15.03.16

Writing fiction: the short story 12/01/16 – 15/03/16 Tuesdays 19.00 – 21.00 Tutor: Alan McMunnigall This course will focus on the discussion of students’ writing and will look at a range of approaches to the creation of fiction. Literary techniques will be examined in order for students to use them to develop their own […]
Centre for Open Studies: University of Glasgow: The Novel: the first fifty pages

The novel: the first fifty pages 11/01/16 – 14/03/16 Mondays 19.00 – 21.00 Tutor: Pamela Ross, BA MLitt This practical course may be taken by those attending The novel: getting started, but is also open to new students. What challenges face novelists in writing the first fifty pages of a new work? Discussion of literary […]
| Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Songwriting Workshop 2, 14 Jan – Mar, 2016n

Songwriting Workshop 2 – Tutor Francis Macdonald Thursdays 14/01/16 – 17/03/1619:00 – 21:00 p.m. Centre for Open Studies, Songwriting Workshop 2 will be taught by Francis Macdonald, who drums with Teenage Fanclub and manages Camera Obscura and the Vaselines. It is for people who write songs; want to write songs or who would just like […]
| Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Centre for Open Studies, Creative Writing, Fiction Showcase 8 December, 2015

Student Showcase 8 December, STUC, 7 P.M. Over the years, the Centre for Open Studies has produced many notable, award-winning and widely published writers. These writers have enhanced the reputation of the Centre. Each year, new and returning students produce excellent work during their time at the Centre. This event showcases work written by students […]
Read the full article: Centre for Open Studies, Creative Writing, Fiction Showcase 8 December, 2015
Dialogue Day School, Centre for Open Studies University of Glasgow, Saturday 31 October, 2015

Saturday, 31.10.15, 10am-4pm Tutor: Alan McMunnigall Dialogue Day School in the St Andrews Building at Glasgow University. Centre for Open Studies University of Glasgow St Andrew’s Building 11 Eldon Street Glasgow G3 6NH The Day School costs £30 and is for those who want to learn more about how dialogue in fiction works and how […]
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 | Filed under: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Autumn – Winter. 2015

Creative writing: the novel Saturday 03/10/15 – 19/03/16 14.00 – 16.00 In this course students will study the novel form, looking at structural aspects and techniques from a writer’s perspective in order to help develop their own writing. The course will include writing in class, using exercises and prompts, and reading published work to better […]
Read the full article: Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Autumn – Winter. 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Classes and Workshops
Information Night Creative Writing Classes University of Glasgow Open Studies Thurs 10 Sept 2015

Information Night – Creative Writing University of Glasgow Boyd Orr Buidling, Room 407 (Lecture Theatre A)120 University Avenue Glasgow G12 8QQ. Map Everyone is welcome and the event is FREE. Alan McMunnigall, Creative Writing Tutor, will be there to discuss credit and non-credit options for the new academic year and to answer any questions you […]
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Classes and Workshops, Courses
Bloomsday Celebration: the writing techniques of James Joyce, Centre for Open Studies, 16 June, 2015

Bloomsday celebration: the writing techniques of James Joyce Centre for Open Studies – University of Glasgow, St Andrews Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow, G3 6NH Tuesday from 16 June 2015 18.00–21.00 DAY EVENT Alan McMunnigall BA On the 111th anniversary of Bloomsday, this class will examine some of the major innovations and techniques in the […]
Wednesday, June 10, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Change of Venue Margaret Atwood Tribute Night, Wednesday 13 May, 2015

CHANGE OF VENUE To The Albany Centre, 44 Ashley Street, Woodlands, Glasgow, G3 6DS Margaret Atwood: a tribute night Wednesday 13 May 2015 6.30–9.00 p.m. EVENING EVENT Margaret Atwood is a renowned novelist, short story writer, essayist and poet. Her work embraces myth, fable, fairy tales, realism and fantasy. Notable works include The Handmaid’s […]
Read the full article: Change of Venue Margaret Atwood Tribute Night, Wednesday 13 May, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Centre for Open Studies: Creative Writings Workshops and Events Summer 2015

University of Glasgow Centre for Open Studies +44 (0)141 330 1860/1853 Story in Fiction DAY EVENT Saturday 9 May 2015 10.00–16.00 (1 meeting) Alan McMunnigall BA This is a practical one-day course that focuses on story in fi ction. Story is a fundamental aspect of fi ction writing. We will learn about how […]
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Monday, May 11, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Student Showcase, STUC, Tuesday 31st March, 2015

Featuring readings of work from Centre for Open Studies students. Student Showcase 31/3/15, 6.30-9pm, STUC Price £5 (you can pay on the door) There will also be a cheap bar. All welcome. How to get there Download directions
Read the full article: Student Showcase, STUC, Tuesday 31st March, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Character in fiction Day/half-day Event Sat 07 February 2015

Character in fiction Day/half-day Event 10.00-16.00 Saturday 07 February 2015 Centre for Open Studies University of Glasgow – Creative Writing Tutor: Alan McMunnigall Character is one of the most fundamental and important elements of fiction. This day school will look at how writers create characters. We will examine the techniques and approaches that writers use […]
Read the full article: Character in fiction Day/half-day Event Sat 07 February 2015
Wednesday, February 4, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Raymond Carver: a tribute day, Wed 11 February, STUC

Raymond Carver: a tribute day Creative Writing, Centre for Open Studies University of Glasgow – Alan McMunnigall 18.30-21.00 Wednesday 11 February 2015 Venue: STUC Day/half-day Event Considered by many critics to be the most important short story writer of the twentieth century, Raymond Carver (1938-1988) continues to influence new generations of writers. Stories such as […]
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Raymond Carver: A tribute night, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow, Wed 11 Feb, 2015

Raymond Carver: A tribute night Wednesday 11th February, 2015 6.30pm-9pm STUC Building, 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6NG Considered by many critics to be the most important short story writer of the twentieth century, Raymond Carver (1938-1988) continues to influence new generations of writers. Stories such as Cathedral, Will You Please be Quiet, Please? and […]
Sunday, January 18, 2015 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow
Centre for Open Studies Creative Writing Evening STUC Tues Dec 9th

Creative Writing University of Glasgow Centre for Open Studies Come along and hear creative writing students reading their work Tuesday, 9th December, 2014 – 7 p.m. STUC, Glasgow. £5 – Please telephone 0141 330 1835 for tickets (come early if paying at door) STUC, 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6NG
Read the full article: Centre for Open Studies Creative Writing Evening STUC Tues Dec 9th
Saturday, December 6, 2014 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow