A Letter to Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh) – Rizwan Akhtar

(Yeats says tread softly because you tread on my dreams) I have laid bare my heart sealed by your memory, birds trees together sing a genre of melancholic desert song plead for your intervention summers are too hot to spend but have heard the wind deflected by your Green Dome brings a flood of fragrance, […]
Read the full article: A Letter to Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh) – Rizwan Akhtar
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 | Filed under: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, Writing
a serenade for Lahore’s Rain – Rizwan Akhtar

a whirling leaf…mingled with the human leaf storm, dragged along by its impetuous force [Leaf Storm by Gabriel Garcia Marquez] what rain did to the city you did to me made me run for trees uncovered I dripped instead of words your love wet and watery turned into a lonely puddle pattered rippled bore splashes […]
Read the full article: a serenade for Lahore’s Rain – Rizwan Akhtar
Sunday, January 23, 2022 | Filed under: Poetry, Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, Writing
Nursat Fatah Ali Praises Muhammad pbuh – Rizwan Akhtar

New poem by Rizwan Akhtar – May, 2021 Nursat Fatah Ali Praises Muhammad pbuh Oh! Muhamamd wearing the black robe no one like you a sacred angst makes listeners agape in-between notes silence becomes a saintly chamber the maestro conducts a wedding of tabla and Vedder’s guitar in a French priory and parks this Pavarotti […]
Read the full article: Nursat Fatah Ali Praises Muhammad pbuh – Rizwan Akhtar
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 | Filed under: Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, stories and poems
Ghazal: Soul’s Food – Rizwan Akhtar

Ghazal: Soul’s Food In love fever/separation kills. Finding her/would ease the burning. Ibn Arabi The last Apostle said about his first spouse “Khadijah is my soul’s food” this could be a word a Lover cares to say to his Beloved for soul’s food. Those who are distracted by ways of the world need […]
Read the full article: Ghazal: Soul’s Food – Rizwan Akhtar
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 | Filed under: Pat's Home Page Blog, Poetry, Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, stories and poems, Writing
Reunion – a poem by Rizwan Akhtar

Reunion And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer. Al Quran cows moo a big bloke honks their lazy mounds of bodies school boys tear sugar canes under a rusty pump a bearded man performs ablution like that heroine of Punjabi romance clanking bangles eyes crammed with mascara a village girl skips […]
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Saturday, November 21, 2020 | Filed under: Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, stories and poems, Writing
Ghazal: the phone – poem by Rizwan Akhtar

Ghazal: the phone –for Tammara Claire Pacing up and down you looked so calm holding the phone Aren’t we connected? So, why this fuss about the phone? Eunuchs inside harems giggle running errands for lovers Now they text and delete; amor changed with the phone my ghazals are messages wrapped in all kinds of rhymes […]
Read the full article: Ghazal: the phone – poem by Rizwan Akhtar
Tuesday, June 16, 2020 | Filed under: Poetry, Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, stories and poems
In Times of Self-Isolation poem by Rizwan Akhtar

In Times of self-Isolation I have just discovered that there is a world outside still a touch away from us we used to be so familiar coming each morning the sun bloats carelessly even shadows of all possible sizes remain alone no one comes out to sue time for being too slow […]
Read the full article: In Times of Self-Isolation poem by Rizwan Akhtar
Friday, June 12, 2020 | Filed under: Coronavirus stories and poems, Pat's Home Page Blog, Poetry, Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, Writing
Poetry: Lahore, I am coming by Rizwan Akhtar

Rizwan Akhtar works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan. He completed his PhD in postcolonial literature from the University of Essex. His poetry has been published in the the UK and countries throughout the world including: Canada, India, New Zealand and U.S.A. Poems from Rizwan Akhtar’s first collection ‘Lahore, […]
Read the full article: Poetry: Lahore, I am coming by Rizwan Akhtar
Monday, October 22, 2018 | Filed under: Poetry, Rizwan Akhtar – Poet, stories and poems