Science: Climate Change and Other Topics.

Wully Davidson commenting on Climate Change and Other Science Related Topics

2020 The Warmest Year? – Wully Davidson

Global Warming Records 2020 – 21

La Nina, Named Tropical Storms and Hurricanes 2020

Some of the Effects of Global Warming 

Wullie Davidson: Record Global Temperature in 2023

el nino conditions

2023 Was A Year For The Record Books It smashed the record high annual global temperature anomaly of 1.01 C above the 1951-80 average, first set in the record El Nino year of 2016, and equalled in 2020, by an astounding 0.17 C. Record temperatures, well above previous marks, first began to be seen in March […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson: Record Global Temperature in 2023

Global Climate Change in September and October 2023

Infrared Otis

Record warmth in September The remarkable and unprecedented surge in global temperature which began in June, continues unabated, and has actually increased since August. September smashed the record for the most extreme record month, with an anomaly of 1.47 C higher than the 1951-80 average, and 0.49 C higher than the previous record of +0.98 […]

Read the full article: Global Climate Change in September and October 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023 | Filed under: Pat's Home Page Blog, Science: Climate Change and Other Topics

Wullie Davidson: June until August, 2023 – Climate Events

storm daniel

Global Temperature Anomaly Globally, the June to August period was the warmest in a record going back to 1860, at 1.17 C warmer than the 1951-80 average. This beat the previous record of +0.94 C set in 2022. June beat its record by 0.16 C, July by 0.25 C and August by 0.22 C. NASA/GISS […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson: June until August, 2023 – Climate Events

Wullie Davidson: Climate Change Blog – Global Warming Just Got Worse

drought california

July, 2023 Warmest June, globally, since records began in 1860 Mid 2023 seems destined to go into the record books as the period when global warming lurched forward into a higher gear. Global atmospheric and sea surface temperature (SST) records for the date climbed to record breaking levels, atmospheric temperature records beginning in late May […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson: Climate Change Blog – Global Warming Just Got Worse

Wullie Davidson Climate Change Blog: Global Ocean Temperature Reaches Record High – El Nino Brewing Up

el nino conditions

Second warmest March despite no El Nino Globally, March, 2023 was the second warmest March, since record keeping began in 1850.The warmest March was in 2016 and that temperature was boosted by a very strong El Nino. Currently, the tropical Pacific is ENSO neutral, but the average global sea surface temperature (SST) reached a record […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson Climate Change Blog: Global Ocean Temperature Reaches Record High – El Nino Brewing Up

Wullie Davidson on Climate Change – European Winter Drought and More

Leysse dried up at Chamberey

European Winter Drought In the summer of 2022, Europe experienced its worst drought for at least 500 years. The World Weather Attribution service has stated that northern hemisphere drought was at least 20 times more likely because of climate change, and that such extremes would become more common as the world warms. In more ‘normal’ […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson on Climate Change – European Winter Drought and More

Wullie Davidson: Extreme Weather Events of 2022

la nina temperature anomalies

La Nina The three year La Nina event in the Pacific continues to have a moderating influence on global temperatures, with 2022 being the sixth warmest year, globally, since reliable record keeping began in 1880. According to NASA, it was 0.89 C above the 1951-80 average. 2020 was the warmest year on record, at +1.02 […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson: Extreme Weather Events of 2022

Wullie Davidson’s Blog: Avian Influenza


There are various subtypes of avian influenza (bird flu) which are divided into two categories, depending on the severity of disease they cause in birds: 1) Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which causes a large number of deaths. 2) Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI), which usually causes mild or asymptomatic infection. H5N1 The subtype which […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson’s Blog: Avian Influenza

Melting glaciers – the ice gives up its secrets

Throughout the world, mountain glaciers are disappearing at an accelerating pace, due to climate change, losing about 2% of their volume every year. On July 9, 2022, 11 people on a hiking trail in Italy died, when a glacier collapsed in the Alps, during a heatwave. This year, the Alps are on track to lose […]

Read the full article: Melting glaciers – the ice gives up its secrets

Hurricane Season 2022 – Wullie Davidson

saterllite image typhoon goni

Wullie Davidson’s Blog: June, 2022 It’s now officially hurricane season.  June 1st is the official starting date of the Atlantic hurricane season. In the eastern Pacific, tropical cyclones are also called hurricanes, and the official starting date there is May 15. In the Indian Ocean, and south west Pacific, they are called cyclones, while in […]

Read the full article: Hurricane Season 2022 – Wullie Davidson

Wully Davidson: Developments in Global Climate Change 2022


‘Nothing provokes societal unrest more than hunger… It seems likely that we will see an increase in social unrest.’ Polar heat anomalies March saw quite extraordinary temperatures at both the Antarctic and Arctic, described by scientists as ‘unprecedented’. In Antarctica, a new world record for the largest temperature excess above normal (+38.5 C/+69.3 F) ever […]

Read the full article: Wully Davidson: Developments in Global Climate Change 2022

Wullie Davidson’s Blog: Extreme Global Weather Events of 2021

NOAA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Global Cooling Effect of the Ongoing La Nina Event The global cooling effect of the ongoing La Nina event in the tropical Pacific means that 2021 was ‘only’ the sixth warmest year, globally, in a record going back to 1880. The El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has two phases, the warm El Nino, which boosts […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson’s Blog: Extreme Global Weather Events of 2021

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 | Filed under: Pat's Home Page Blog, Science: Climate Change and Other Topics

Wullie Davidson’s Blog: COP26

COP26 – The 26th Conference of the Parties The 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) gets under way in Glasgow’s Scottish Exhibition Centre on Sunday, October 31, ending on November 12. The conference will be attended by 30,000 delegates from 196 countries. Glasgow has around 15,000 hotel rooms, so many delegates will be required to […]

Read the full article: Wullie Davidson’s Blog: COP26

Glasgow Connects, Glasgow Science Festival 2021

glasgow connects

1 – 30 September, 2021 GSF is back throughout September with Glasgow Connects, featuring a programme of events inspired by the international COP26 climate conference. With socially distanced activities at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens (4th to 12th Sept, 11-2pm daily) and at the Paisley Rd West Festival (24th to 26th Sept). As well as popping […]

Read the full article: Glasgow Connects, Glasgow Science Festival 2021

Wully Davidson: Tropical Cyclones in a Warming World

Tropical Cyclones and Climatic Factors Tropical cyclones are the result of a number of climatic factors, but high sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are perhaps the most fundamental. It’s therefore logical that, as the seas get warmer, there will be more, and stronger, tropical cyclones. There does seem to have been an increase in the number […]

Read the full article: Wully Davidson: Tropical Cyclones in a Warming World

Sunday, June 6, 2021 | Filed under: Science: Climate Change and Other Topics

Uptick in Global Volcanic Activity: Climate Change – Wully Davidson

fountain of lava hawai j d griggs

Source   J.D.Griggs Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Global volcanic activity has recently increased by 125%…. will it have any effect on climate change? There seems to have been an uptick in news stories of volcanoes erupting around the globe, recently. One small, but quite spectacular example, is the appearance of new fissures spewing lava from Geldingadalur […]

Read the full article: Uptick in Global Volcanic Activity: Climate Change – Wully Davidson

Monday, April 19, 2021 | Filed under: Pat's Home Page Blog, Science: Climate Change and Other Topics

Some of the Effects of Global Warming

Californians face unprecedented fire blackouts in January, 2021 “In an unprecedented move, California utilities are warning they may need to cut power to more than 280,000 homes and businesses to prevent live wires from sparking wildfires as high winds are set to sweep through the drought-weary state. Edison International’s Southern California Edison said 277,078 customers […]

Read the full article: Some of the Effects of Global Warming

Sunday, April 4, 2021 | Filed under: Science: Climate Change and Other Topics

Global Warming

Polar scientist wary of impending satellite gap. Scientists are concerned that the two satellites monitoring Arctic, Antarctic and glacial ice volumes, CryoSat-2 and IceSat-2, will expire before their successor, the EC/Esa Cristal is launched in 2027/28 This could mean a 2-5 year gap in our knowledge of how much annual ice loss is occurring.…29 […]

Read the full article: Global Warming

Climate Change – The Hurricane Season

Today (June 1st) is the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season. The eastern Pacific’s first named storm of the year, Amanda, has tracked across central America, causing a lot of flash flood damage, and is now entering the Bay of Campeche, after staying offshore and drenching the Yucatan peninsula. The US National Hurricane Center […]

Read the full article: Climate Change – The Hurricane Season

Climate Change – 2020 was this the warmest year?

  It’s early days, but 2020 is shaping up to be the warmest year, globally, since records began in the 19th century, and very probably the warmest year Earth has experienced since the end of the last Ice Age, 11,500 years ago. Usually, when a new record is set, it coincides with an above average […]

Read the full article: Climate Change – 2020 was this the warmest year?

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