Pats Guide: About this Website
The Glasgow West End Web site – Launch Party! all the news and incriminating pictures. ๐
I am pleased you have chosen to spend some time here.
Why did I decide to create this Website? Many reasons including:
- The West End of Glasgow is a great place and I wanted to show it off. In the process I wanted to create a site that would be of interest to locals as well as visitors.
- To fill some of the gaps in terms of what can’t be found on the internet – information that will be of interest to women as well as men – local ‘shoppers’ viewpoints with reviews and opinions about bargain hunting and information about great West End shops.
- To encourage local people and businesses to start taking advantages of the opportunities that the Internet offers.
I love to browse the Internet and I have spent a lot of time looking at travel and shopping Web sites – some of these are great but some leave me feeling generally dissatisfied: too many graphics, too slow to download, impersonal, just not enough information – lists don’t tell you much. Many not really reflecting my interests – particularly as it relates to shopping. I prefer websites that give a personal perspective and lots of information.
Anyway to cut a long story short I thought I could do better! For a start I am writing about an area that I know a lot about – I live in the West End in Glasgow myself (in Hillhead to be exact). All the content you will read or look at on this site has been created by local people – for the most part myself and friends of mine. I love shopping and browsing and I hope that some of my enthusiasm for shopping in the West End will come through in the guides. I love dining out and trying out new restaurants and I also love discovering and re-discovering the buildings, galleries and beautifull parks that the West End has to offer – this area has a unique character which is well worth celebrating.
I also wanted to ‘do something for myself’ and put some of my enthusiasm and energy it into a creation of my own making.
We launced the Site on the World on December 11th 1999 and had a party to celebrarte.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you disagree or agree with what I am saying – your opinion is welcomed.
An Accessible Web Site
This Web site has been designed to be accessible to as many people as possible, including disabled people and in particular people who are blind or have a visual impairment. There is a text version which is updated in parrallel with the graphics version. I can promise that the text version will never be out of date – because each time I update it two both versions are generated automatically. The link to the text version can be found at the top of every page and will jimp to the text version of the page you have downloaded.
The actual Web site was built and is maintained by my husband Jim – so any complaints about things not working can be directed at him!
This section: About
Filed under: About
- About (3)
- Accommodation (12)
- American Restaurants (3)
- Architecture (8)
- archived (1)
- Art (20)
- Art & artists Glasgow West End (194)
- Art, Photography, Exhibitions what's on-glasgow (696)
- Astrology Blog by Anne Whitaker (8)
- Aye Write 2020 (13)
- Aye Write 2021 (20)
- Aye Write 2023 (27)
- Aye Write 2024 (3)
- Aye Write Book Festival 2017 (31)
- Aye Write Book Festival 2019 (45)
- Aye Write Book Festival 2022 (30)
- Aye Write Book Festival 2023 (14)
- Aye Write Glasgow's Book Festival 2017 (31)
- Aye Write! Book Festival 2018 (31)
- Aye Write! Glasgow's Book Festival 2014 (33)
- Aye Write! Glasgow's Book Festival 2015 (32)
- Aye Write! Glasgow's Book Festival 2016 (42)
- Balcony Blog (1)
- Bar Stool Philosopher (11)
- Barry Paton's Legacy โ Coming Home (1)
- Beauty (2)
- Beer Gardens Patio Dining (2)
- Best In The West (29)
- Black History Month Glasgow (25)
- Blog: Balloch Open Mic (23)
- Blog: U3A Glasgow West End (1)
- Bloody Scotland (9)
- Bob Law: photographer, walker and writer (83)
- Book and Event Reviews (58)
- Book Week Scotland (14)
- Book Week Scotland=2023 (9)
- Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events (2,343)
- Burns Day Celebrations 2017 (6)
- Burns Events (71)
- Burns Night Glasgow 2015 (12)
- Business Directory (7)
- Business services (3)
- Butchers (1)
- Byres Road Book Festival 2024 (3)
- Byres Road New Developments (2)
- Cafes and Bistros (23)
- Calum Maclean โ poet and aspiring writer (27)
- Cards and Home Accessories (8)
- Celtic Connections 2014 (14)
- Celtic Connections 2015 (10)
- Celtic Connections 2016 (17)
- Celtic Connections 2017 (15)
- Celtic Connections 2018 Glasgow's winter music festival (12)
- Celtic Connections 2019 (9)
- Celtic Connections 2020 (20)
- Celtic Connections 2021 (6)
- Celtic Connections 2023 (16)
- Celtic Connections 2024 (5)
- Celtic Connections 2025 (9)
- Centre for Open Studies, University of Glasgow (48)
- Chris Del Balso's Travel Blog (3)
- Christina Byrne (6)
- Christmas & Hogmanay Dining Glasgow (20)
- Christmas in Glasgow (536)
- Christmas in Glasgow 2016 โ festive menus, shows, shopping. (66)
- Christmas Menus 2018 (9)
- Christmas Menus Glasgow 2016 (4)
- Christmas Menus Glasgow 2017 (8)
- Christmas Menus Glasgow Restaurants 2013 (5)
- Christmas Menus Glasgow West End 2015 (6)
- Christmas Poems , Stories and Winter Tales (46)
- Christmas Shopping in Glasgow (111)
- Cinema (3,904)
- Clare's West End Business Blog (1)
- Classes and Workshops (215)
- Clubs (7)
- Clubs in Glasgow (3)
- Comment (1)
- Community event (399)
- Community Groups and Charities (15)
- COP26 Glasgow, Climate Change, Save the Planet, Science, Biodiversity Events (61)
- Coronavirus (116)
- Coronavirus stories and poems (6)
- Courses (45)
- Creative Conversations 2021 (11)
- Dance (156)
- Dance costumes (1)
- David Howat's Glasgow Property Blog: Sales in the City (1)
- Delicatessans (3)
- Designer Jewellery Glasgow (6)
- Dougie Baird Travel Writers Blog (2)
- Dresses for special occasions (2)
- Eating and drinking Glasgow West End (270)
- Eco friendly (2)
- Edinburgh Book Festival (14)
- European Restaurants (4)
- Events, Fairs, Festivals and Fundraisers (2,729)
- Eyecare (6)
- Festival 2018 (6)
- Film reviews (23)
- Film Reviews (18)
- Film Reviews by Calum Maclean (18)
- Fiona Alderman blogging from The Salignac Foundation France (132)
- Fionnuala Boyle, blogging about culture, arts and other stuff (11)
- Firework Displays in and around Glasgow (24)
- Fireworks Displays in Glasgow 2015 (9)
- Flat for sale (1)
- Food banks (8)
- Free Events (337)
- French Restaurants (2)
- Friends of People's Palace and Winter Gardens at Glasgow Green (21)
- G20 Festival (13)
- Galleries (39)
- Gallery (6)
- Get Fit with Personal Trainer Paul Rutherford (5)
- Gifts (16)
- Gig Guide plus Club Events (1,538)
- Glasgow 850th Celebrations (3)
- Glasgow Botanic Gardens Bicentenary 1817 โ 2017 (6)
- Glasgow Commonwealth Games 2014 (31)
- Glasgow Doors Open Days (24)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2014 (20)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2015 (26)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2016 (27)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2017 (9)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2017 (26)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2018 (21)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2019 (30)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2020 (36)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2021 (18)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2022 (18)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2023 (18)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2024 (39)
- Glasgow Film Festival 2025 (7)
- Glasgow Film Theatre Special 50 Anniversary Screenings May 2024 (7)
- Glasgow Hogmanay (16)
- Glasgow International (4)
- Glasgow international (6)
- Glasgow International (3)
- Glasgow International 2016 (14)
- Glasgow International 2024 – festival of contemporary art (1)
- Glasgow International Comedy Festival (10)
- Glasgow International Comedy Festival 2014 (8)
- Glasgow International Comedy Festival 2017 (7)
- Glasgow international Comedy Festival 2018 (2)
- Glasgow International Festival April 2014 (14)
- Glasgow Jazz Festival (6)
- Glasgow LGBT (9)
- Glasgow Science Festival (19)
- Glasgow St Patrick's Day 2015 (9)
- Glasgow West End Local characters (15)
- Glasgow Youth Film Festival 2024 (3)
- gorbals (2)
- Gordon McCracken (Made In Maryhill) Photographs of Glasgow (2)
- Guide (8)
- Hallowe'en in Glasgow (151)
- Halloween in Glasgow 2015 (15)
- Halloween in Glasgow 2016 (16)
- Health and Fitness (23)
- Helen Rose Hillwalking Diary (130)
- Helen St. Helen (5)
- Hogmanay Glasgow (10)
- Honest Politicians (1)
- Ian Mitchell (11)
- Indian Restaurants (30)
- interior design (16)
- International Restaurants (3)
- International Womens Day (31)
- International Womens Day 2017 (6)
- International Womens Day Glasgow 2015 (5)
- Italian Restaurants (16)
- James Christie Blog (17)
- Jane Sweeney: Blogging about Glasgow and its hidden gems. (4)
- Jill Creighton's Blog: A Wry Guide to (Mid)Life (4)
- Jim and Pat's West End Chat (5)
- Jim Byrne's forgotten life (3)
- Jim Byrne: Photos Forth and Clyde Canal (4)
- Jim's Acoustic Music Blog (16)
- Jim's West End Photography Diary (78)
- Joiners Corner (31)
- Kids and young people (632)
- Kilimanjaro Climb for Marie Curie (6)
- Label Me: Francesca Baird blogging about autism (17)
- Leela Soma writing and blogging (22)
- LGBT Glasgow (62)
- LGBT History Month (11)
- Local Businesses Glasgow: Latest Deals, Offers and Discounts (2)
- Local Projects (6)
- Lola Rose: aspiring writer (18)
- Love Poems, Stories and Tales from Glasgow writers (36)
- Maggie Graham's Page (3)
- Markets (52)
- Mary Irvine: Writer and Philhellene (163)
- maryhill (2)
- Maryhill and Possilpark Citizens Advice Bureau (2)
- Memoir (2)
- Menus (8)
- Merchant City Festival (31)
- Merchant City Festival 2014 (18)
- Merchant City Festival 2015 (8)
- Mexican Restaurants (2)
- Mother's Day Gifts (10)
- Mothers' Day (11)
- Muriel Spark Centenary Celebrations (3)
- Music (14)
- Music (41)
- Music (53)
- Music Reviews (33)
- New Books by Scottish Writers (19)
- North Kelvin Meadow and Children's Wood, Glasgow (51)
- Online Marketing (2)
- Online Shopping (6)
- Opticians (2)
- Pamela Banchetti (4)
- Pantos and Christmas Shows in Glasgow (110)
- Pantos and Christmas Shows in Glasgow 2016 (24)
- Partick Film Festival (3)
- Partick Folk Club (3)
- Pat's Home Page Blog (1,086)
- Pauline Keightley (52)
- People: Local Glasgow West End Characters (43)
- Peoples Palace Winter Gardens and Glasgow Green (22)
- Photography (37)
- Photography by Muir, 11 year old schoolgirl (1)
- Piping Live! (2)
- Podcast: JIm and Pat's West End Chat (5)
- Poems and Stories for Autumn (5)
- Poetry (37)
- Property (2)
- Pub Quiz Nights (5)
- Rabbie Burns Day Events in Glasgow 2014 (9)
- Rachelle Atalla: Film Reviews (2)
- Rae McGreevy Fundraising for MYLOL (3)
- Recruitment (1)
- Refugee Festival Scotland (6)
- Rizwan Akhtar โ Poet (8)
- Rotten English Podcast (3)
- Roy's West End View (6)
- Russian (1)
- Sara McQueen: blogging about Glasgow (1)
- Scenes from Highland Life (3)
- Science: Climate Change and Other Topics (21)
- Scottih Book Week Glasgow Events 2016 (9)
- Scottish Restaurants (19)
- Seafood Restaurants (3)
- Sean's trip to glasgow (1)
- Seasonal Stories and Poems by Glasgow Writers (21)
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde (2)
- Shoes (1)
- Shopping (191)
- Situations Vacant Glasgow West Ebd (1)
- Situations Vacant Glasgow West End (6)
- Southside Festival 2015 (4)
- Southside Festival Fringe 2016 (11)
- Southside Film Festival (31)
- Southside Film Festival 2013 (2)
- Southside Fringe (2)
- Southside Fringe 2014 (5)
- Southside Fringe Festival 2015 (3)
- Sport, Walks, Cycling in Glasgow (126)
- Star Folk Club (32)
- Starchild (29)
- Stephen Watt, Poet. (15)
- stories and poems (68)
- Stories for Hallowe'en (8)
- Street Food Glasgow (7)
- Stuart Paterson: Writer's Blog (5)
- Sweet or sharp summer stories and poems (6)
- Takeaway (4)
- Ten Writers Telling Lies (13)
- The Best of Bus Pass Rambles โ Wullie Davidson (1)
- The Lucky Break Clydebank (5)
- The Reeling โ Summer Scottish Music Festival in Glasgow (1)
- The Referendum and Scottish Politics (7)
- The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival (1)
- Travel (45)
- Trip to Paris (1)
- Ukraine Fundraisers and Events (4)
- Uncategorized (1)
- University of Glasgow Advanced Research Centre (1)
- Unusual West End Facts (1)
- upcycling (4)
- Valentina Galdi Words Unsaid (4)
- Valentine's Day 2021 (10)
- Valentine's Day Glasgow 2016 (24)
- Valentine's Day Glasgow Gifts (3)
- Valentine's Day in Glasgow 2014 (11)
- Valentine's Day in Glasgow 2017 (15)
- Valentines Day Glasgow (46)
- Vegetarian Restaurants (1)
- video (1)
- Vintage and Retro Clothing (13)
- Walks (47)
- Walks and Tours Glasgow (27)
- Weddings (31)
- Weddings Glasgow (32)
- West End Festival 2014 (59)
- West End Festival 2015 (39)
- West End Festival 2016 (49)
- West End Festival 2017 (40)
- West End Festival Glasgow (111)
- West End Miscellany (1)
- WestFest Glasgow's Cultural and Community Festival (37)
- What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more (4,489)
- What's on Glasgow: Students (61)
- What's on in Glasgow: Theatre and Comedy (801)
- Winter 2014 (2)
- Womens Clothes sand accessories (6)
- Womens clothing (2)
- Woodlands Community (131)
- writers (50)
- Writing (120)
- Writing for the Festive Season (21)
- Writing for the Festive Season 2015 (5)
- Wullie Davidson: Blogging about Bus Pass Jaunts in Scotland (18)
- Zoom and online events (372)