National Poetry Day 2019 – Glasgow Poets

kibble palace amazing jim byrne

Basia Palka


I am beginning to doubt the existence of
Human beings, for they seem to me
Not altogether there, whereas for angels
I can safely say that they are either there
Or not there

Everyday angels
Walk Byres Road
With Wings
Folded up

Angels have no need of lips
For they kiss with their fingertips

by Basia Palka

Summer Reality – two poems by Brian Whittingham

Off Balance by Magi Gibson – a poem for Valentines

One Track by Maggie Graham – a love poem for Valentine’s Day

Rizwan Akhtar – poems from his first collection

Poetry: Lahore, I am coming by Rizwan Akhtar

Home Grown In Glasgow – a poem for International Women’s Day by Ruby McCann

Plum Stone Throat a poem by Jenne Gray

Two poems by Finola Scott: ‘Garlic’ and ‘Rhubarb’

Onion by Leela Soma – vegetable inspired poetry

Summering by Nina Quigley

Out of Sight by Ciara MacLaverty: a poem about love.

The Question by Calum Maclean. A Love Poem (of sorts).

Love Poem by Stephen Watt: I Think I’m Falling In Love With Football

Would You have saved me? A poem In memory of Aylan Kurdi and family by Karrieanne McCafferty

Policies for squirrels

A squirrel scampers
along a mossy branch.
Is there a policy for running
on moss that’s wet?

Should scampering
even be allowed in such conditions?
This squirrel can’t  know
that such a policy exists.

It’s just running happily
head high, nose twitching the March air.
Not placing one paw
carefully in front of the other

cautious of criticism,
fearful of safety.
Head low, ponderously
reviewing every step of the procedure.

Maria Venditozzi

Maria launched her first collection Tendrils of Intention  in July, 2015

tendrils of intention

Poetry by Jim Doolan
Poetry: Lahore, I am coming by Rizwan Akhtar

This section: Poetry

Filed under: Poetry

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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