Onion by Leela Soma – vegetable inspired poetry

onions leela


A perfect bulb of crystalline beauty

growing in the darkness of the earth

petal by petal, gentle stalks of

green showing up in the sun, a promise

of a taste to enhance cuisines around

the world.

A humble root vegetable

makes us tear up with no hurt,

reveals no core, layer upon layer peeled

like shedding skins of our lives.

Leela Soma, May 2019

(An attempt after reading Neruda’s ‘Ode to the Onion’)

Two poems by Finola Scott: 'Garlic' and 'Rhubarb'
Mum's Favourite Flowers by Mussie Abbasi Harrison

This section: Leela Soma writing and blogging, Seasonal Stories and Poems by Glasgow Writers, Sweet or sharp summer stories and poems, Writing

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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