Poetry by Hafsah Bashir
Hafsah Bashir – Author, Poet and Social Counsellor
Rain in NewYork
It rains in NewYork
and all I crave is the
scent of soil
I hold the dirt and
smell fruit and fortune
rich and fertile it is
corporeal in texture
earthly in odor
doesn’t smell like soil
ships me aback to the dirt,
I lived in
I loved in
grew my roots in
bloomed my natality in
mere water and sheer light,
simmered the yeast,
my consciousness raises from,
fruits of my age spring from
the dirt I revere as soil
my soil, magnanimous as mother
watered with the blood of the lessers
sunned by the best of brilliance
and bearing the fruits for the Entitled
O’ city of Form and Fortune
You are rich and reverent
Bounty blesses you
Opulence oozes in you,
Chance reigns you,
Reward rules you
But, O’ city of affluence
Your ambiance reminds me of,
My folks back home,
The ones at margins,
Personifications of Strife
Envisaging nothing but,
Affliction and Agony
Lineage of suffering they are,
With vessels channeling misery,
And Blood as volatile as joy
Life evaporates there,
As rain drop in the the desert
Dread precipitates there as,
Death sleeps in the bed of life
Their sun is shaded with despair
Their moon is shadowed by fear
Their night is elongated by doubt
O’ the countenance of grandeur
Your texture is deluxe,
Your majesty is radiant,
Your spell is seductive,
But my complacence stings me,
And all I envision, is,
The Visage adorned with Peril
Hasfah Rizwan, January, 2021
(Hafsah Bashir is a Writer, Poet and Home maker from Pakistan. She lives in NewYork and has published her major work in comparative literatures such as ‘Peace and Politics; a Polemical Reflection’. She is an audible female diaspora voice with subjective and collective experiences in her work.)
(Image attribution:Tony Hisgett from Birmingham, UK, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons)
This section: Poetry, stories and poems
Filed under: Poetry, stories and poems
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