Flowers – poems by Leela Soma

red flower leela

Jewels of summer

A glance from the car at the traffic light

My eyes widen at the jewel strewn scene

Purple and white crocus, narcissi bright

Like amethysts and diamonds that shine.

Green grass with moist sun-touched dew

Like glitter sparkling, under the bare tree.

A north wind whips gusts strong

The infant buds defiant, winter defeated

Spring marches on, warmth revives the cold

Interred buds, waiting to greet the summer heat.

blossom jim

Photo by JIm Byrne


A humble flower bestowed by Mother Nature

shades of white, pink, in still blue, green water or 

muddy brown, reeds and willow plants could not mar 

its beauty, the complex nature of existence in a flower.

Formed by the milk of Hera the wife of Zeus, motherhood 

rebirth signified in its ethereal beauty for the Greeks.

Love and lust of Venus as she witnessed the beauty of the lily 

cursed it with a long black pistil to remove its allure.

 Nympheas, Fleur de Lys, hope, faith and charity in France.

Chastity, purity of Virgin Mary. The lotus blossom

rising out of the muddy water reflecting purity

perfection of the heart & mind, Buddha’s seat of nirvana.

tulips jim

Photo by Jim Byrne

Garden of Nations

Japanese cherry blossom, boughs bend in pink

Scottish rowan spouts red in autumn

Canadian copper beech, its burnished maroon

English beech, resplendent, in cream and gold.

Peonies from China dipping colours pink and blues

Tulips from Persia stand tall, swaying in the breeze.

Anthurium displays the Hawaiian hospitality

Turkish hyacinth argues with the Asian carnation

their perfume spilling, as the Himalayan rhododendrons

Purple and pink spread riotous, in wild bushes all over.

Leela Soma, April, 2019

Mum's Favourite Flowers by Mussie Abbasi Harrison
I Deserve This – a poem for Christmas by Calum Maclean

This section: Leela Soma writing and blogging, stories and poems, Sweet or sharp summer stories and poems, Writing

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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