Added on Friday 8 Apr 2011
While the world impatiently waits for details regarding Kate Middleton's royal wedding dress, lots of designers are keeping everything crossed that their design will make the cut,
gaining global exposure and the Royal seal of approval!
Closer to home, and the people of Manchester are hoping to provide a bit of green inspiration.
The Manchester Arndale shopping centre is putting together a recycled royal wedding dress featuring hundreds of recycled plastic PET bottles and other materials such as plastic bags and plastic bottle tops.
The challenge is being spearheaded by sustainable designer Michelle Brand, Manchester Metropolitan University textile specialist Janet Bezzant and local dressmaker Di Faukner. The idea is to gather the needed materials from the shopping centres 240 retailers.
The recycled gown is expected to debut in a few weeks time on April 15th - plenty of time for Kate to size it up for the big day on the 29th. Perhaps some of Glasgow's students could team up with The St Enoch Centre or Buchanan Galleries to do a similar project? for more details and to see the finished design! And if anyone from Glasgow's shopping destinations is reading this and wants to do something similar email me and we'll get cracking on it as there's lots of waste we can make things with!