Hypnosis, Life Coaching and Personal Development by Carol Deans

Carol Deans Self Development Coach

Carol DeansT:07909824551

Trainer, Business & Personal Coach, Hypnotherapist, Carol is passionate about empowering people to overcome fears and become proactive in getting the life they want now.

A believer in life long learning, Carol is a qualified and licensed Hypnotherapist, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Life Coach and a Reiki Teaching Master.

 Carol Deans is a Best In The West BusinessCarol offers one to one consultations and in-house personal development training to groups within organisations; she can tailor courses to suit your specific needs.

Quotes from satisfied clients

Business Coaching:

‘You were right, I changed my spiel and got 3 new clients last week, thanks a lot’ A. Anderson, Kelvinbridge, Glasgow

2nd Degree Reiki:

‘Carol takes time for everyone……everyone is treated with respect and dignity.’ A. Black, Partick, Glasgow

Hypnosis (weight loss):

‘I have now lost 2 stone completely, which I am delighted with’. A. Frew, Partick, Glasgow

Don’t settle for a life that’s not great

Carol says “I have assisted many people in setting and working towards their goals and get a buzz from seeing people achieving things that add value to their lives, whether it be losing weight, rekindling a personal relationship or doubling their income.

It’s all about recognising that the person you see when you look in the mirror is both head architect and builder of the life in which you live. Don’t settle for a life that’s not great.”

Contact Carol now for a friendly chat about your personal or business requirements.


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Carol Deans Personal Development Facebook Page

Personal Development by Carol Deans

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