Pat’s Guide to Local Characters in Glasgow’s West End
If you listen to the guide of the open-decked tour bus that traverses the City, they tell you that the West End of Glasgow has the highest number of graduates among its population of any place in the UK. You can’t move for bumping in to writers, artists, artists, scholars and artisans of all disciplines. It helps that Glasgow University is located in the heart of the West End and Glasgow School of Art and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Art (the UK’s only Conservetoire) are only five minute walk away.
Apart from the scholars and literati the West End population has a hefty element of creative, talented and interesting individuals. Fashion experts inform us that Boho is back – but as far as the West End is concerned it has never been away. Poets, actors, artists, academics, photographers, writers, historians, designers, restaurateurs, entrepreneurs, comedians and people of wit, wisdom and style contribute to the unique atmosphere of the area.
I’m building up quite a collection of ‘local characters’ on these pages – and continuously compiling a never-ending list of those I hope to add.
Please let me know if you have any ideas about folk you think should be included.
- Ronnie Clydesdale – restaurateur
- David MacLennan – writer
- Alasdair Gray – writer and artist
- Gerard Sampaio – Filmaker
- Michael Dale – West End Festival Organiser
- Colin Beattie – entrepreneur
- Phil Benson
- Tom Cannavan – wine authority
- Lesley Riddoch -journalist
- Anne Whitaker – astrologer
- Sheila Reid – playwright
- Bernard MacLaverty – writer
- Greg Hemphill – actor, comedian
- Gordon R. Urquhart – conservationist
- Basia Palka – poet
- Harry Kelly – ceramics expert
- Avril Paton – artist
- Maggie Graham – writer
- Dave Anderson – writer, actor
- Janey Godley – comedienne
- Ali Abbasi
- Ian R. Mitchell – writer
- Anita Manning – auctioneer
- Suzanne McGreevy – artist
- Eileen McCusker
- Eleanor Gordon – writer, academic
- Juliet Cadzow Actor – actor
- Willie Miller – Designer
- Allan Tall – Musician, Actor
- Paul Rutherford – Personal Trainer
- Ranald MacColl – Designer, Writer
- Malcolm Lochhead – textile designer
I read about Philip Hobsbaum on this page. I have been looking for a way to contact the great teacher. If Mr. Gray or anyone else who sees this can give me this information. I will be grateful.
—Sachin Mehrish ( sachinmehrish at hotmail dot com ) from India on 22.8.2002; 20:19:09 Uhr
Exellent Site Very informative and clearly written too, Ive been in for almost 2 hours now. certainly be back to see more soon. Keep up the great work Pat /Jim all the best John Russell Old Kilpatrick
—Johnny from Moondance ( johnny at moondance dot co dot uk ) from Old Kilpatrick on 12.10.2000; 0:00:00 Uhr
Dave is now gigging at The Piano Bar, Grosvenor Lane in the West End every Saturday.
—pat byrne ( pat at glasgowwestend dot co dot uk ) from Scotland on 22.5.2000; 0:00:00 Uhr
This is for Ali if he has a look in to the site….Hi from Jess Fitzgerald….so all those ghastly early mornings have paid off! although I see you are still up with the lark. I hope you’re chivying the BBC re Equal Opportunities….have they got you on their committee?? I’ve retired now and having a lovely time on the scrap heap…..among other things I do Pat’s entertainment page so I’ll be looking out for your Cottier event (I sometimes usher there as well!) Good luck with the book and best wishes….Jess><
—Jess Fitzgerald ( jess dot fitzgerald at which dot net ) from Scotland on 7.3.2000; 0:00:00 Uhr
Ian – e-mail has been altered.
—Pat ( pat at glasgowwestend dot co dot uk ) from Scotland on 7.3.2000; 0:00:00 Uhr
Pat the last e-mail address I sent you was incorrect. Please display my new one.
—Ian Mitchell ( Ianmitchell at stobcross dot freeserve dot co dot uk ) from Scotland on 29.1.2000; 0:00:00 Uhr
Hello Pat the material looks great. I have just been connected to the net.
Could you add my e-mail address on the page
—Ian Mitchell ( Ian at Stobcross dot fsnet dot co dot uk ) from Scotland on 28.1.2000; 0:00:00 Uhr
I set Julie up with an email address on Talk21 the BT freeserve, but it would appear to have been down all weekend and so Pat did not get the email. By the way the site is looking really good – and its fast!
Talk to you soon
—Name gerry gorevan ( e-mail at your dot host ) from Scotland on 7.11.1999; 0:00:00 Uhr
This section: People: Local Glasgow West End Characters
Filed under: People: Local Glasgow West End Characters