A Night of Horror Podcast review by Calum Maclean

a night of horror logo by holly woods
a night of horror logo by holly woods

A Night of Horror logo by Holly Woods

A Night of Horror is a new podcast series produced in Scotland by Kathleen Kidd. The series consists of six short episodes so far, with more planned for the New Year. Each episode tells a macabre short story, building an unnerving atmosphere with committed vocal performances from the cast and a subtly eerie score.   

Fans of the Twilight Zone, Roald Dahl’s Tales of the Unexpected, Black Mirror and vintage radio drama will find plenty to enjoy in these podcasts. With their brief running time and stories ranging from ill-fated travels, sinister toys, home invasion, a mysterious letter and a chilling Christmas special, there’s a lot to dive into in under an hour.   

I would recommend starting with Achoo Achoo Achoo, the Christmas special which clocks in at seven minutes thirty seconds. It tells the story of an attempt to bring some Christmas magic to a difficult child, with darkly ironic results. It also features the music of Bearpit Brothers, which is another aspect of these podcasts that really works, in mixing an unsettling soundtrack with established songs in a new context.   

Amateur Podcast Championships

Vote for A Night of Horron  in the People’s Choice category in the Amateur Podcast Championships on monkeysfightingrobots.com\

 A Night of Horror is available for streaming and download.

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A Night of Horror – creepy, scary podcasts by Kathleen Kidd

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This section: Calum Maclean – poet and aspiring writer, Film Reviews by Calum Maclean

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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