A Night of Horror – creepy, scary podcasts by Kathleen Kidd

a night of horror logo by holly woods
a night of horror logo by holly woods

A Night of Horror logo by Holly Woods

I’ve been enjoying A Night of Horror’s  short drama podcasts, made in Scotland by Kathleen Kidd.  The podcasts are designed to keep you up at night – you’ll find a selection of spooky stories to listen to on A Night of Horror website. The podcasts are also available to download..

They  last between 3 and 15 minutes so they’re  perfect if you are looking for some entertainment but only have a wee bit of time to spare.  They’ll also be right up your street if you enjoy listening to a bit of colloquial Scots.

Kathleen started the project in October, 2015 with Episode 1, Vacancy and has been gradually adding to her selection of horror dramas.


Looking for someone to do a voice in the new Night of Horror series.
Would need to be able to make it to Ayr in the next 2 weeks, probably the week of the 7th, March, 2017
Similar voice to Dobbie, or gollum unpaid recording would take about an hour

Get in touch kathleen@anightofhorror.co.uk

Episode 1 – Vacancy

Episode 1 – Vacancy As Gordon Mahew goes traveling and finds himself at a hotel that is not what it seems.

Girls’ Weekend

Two girls embark on a holiday in France but their fortune soon turns sour.  Brought back to mind my hitch hiking days back in the sixties, when I’d take off with other young Glaswegian girls looking for adventure. We got into quite a few scrapes but encountered nothing quite as sinister as these two.

Kathleen Kidd
Jodie Carr
Andrew Jones
Caroline Jones
Robert Ruthven
Ludovic Barrier
David Allan
Calum Walker
Sadie Woods

A Night of Horror Podcast Review by Calum Maclean

A Christmas Special – Achoo Achoo Achoo

Some children are naughtier than others. It should be fun dressing up as Santa Claus – I mean what can happen?

I got an extra kick out of this spooky Christmas drama as the soundtrack featured Bearpit Brothers.

The Cupboard

There’s an intruder in the house! Will the police arrive before she’s found hidden in the cupboard?

Podcast at Night of Horror

The Letter

A letter arrives at the long address

The Letter on Night of Horror Podcast

I’ll be checking in regularly to catch Kathleen Kidd’s latest podcasts at A Night of Horror

About Kathleen Kidd

Kathleen Kidd, aged 24, was born in Glasgow, and grew up in Whiteinch. She has been involved in the arts since childhood, attended stage school  and went on to star in roles on CBBC and films.  When she was 20 Kathleen began studying Broadcast Production – her love of horror and psychological thrillers inspired her to write her own podcasts and produce A Night of Horror. By Christmas 2016 she had completed the first series. She has been playing table-top roleplaying games with some of the other podcast members, and this has inspired her second series of fantasy based horror.

Kathleen writes, records and edits the podcasts (for $3 or more member on Patreon, Kathleen posts screenshots of her edits for people to see how she works), and sometimes stars in them too. Some of the music is produced by Kathleen on a synthesiser, while other music is produced by Poor Larry, who was brought up in Old Kilpatrick. Poor Larry’s  music brought a professional quality to the podcasts and the addition of Bearpit Brothers’ music in the Christmas episode made the piece feel modern and fresh.  Holly Woods,  who is 15, designed the striking Night of Horror logo.

Kathleen is currently working on Night of Horror series 2, due to be produced late February, 2017. She aims to tour parts of this series at horror festivals and is applying for the Edinburgh Horror Festival in October. The Twitter page has over 850 followers and is swiftly growing. Kathleen has been overwhelmed by the support she has received from friends and fans and hopes that the podcast will inspire others – and ultimately give people a fright!

Further Information and Contact Details

All of the podcasts are made in Scotland by Kathleen Kidd.
If you’d like to donate to the project, you can reach the Patreon page here:

If you’d like to contact us, you can email:



Lynnie Carson with Craig Douglas, King Tut's Wah Wah Hut Thurs 9th March
Louise Wylie & Jan Patience - The Making of George Wyllie, CCA, 12th March 2017

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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