Creative Conversations: Sandy NicDhòmhnaill Jones

sandy nic

Monday 16 November 2020, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Zoom Event

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Sandy NicDhòmhnaill Jones – Poet, Singer, Composer, Harpist and Linguist

Sandy was appointed Gaelic Crowned Bard 2019-2021 at the Royal National Mòd Glasgow in October 2019. Her collection of Gaelic poetry and songs ‘Crotal Ruadh – Red Lichen’ was published by Acair in 2016, and won second prize that year in the Donald Meek Award. She previously won the Wigtown Gaelic Poetry Prize in 2013; the Irish/Scots Gaelic Poetry Prize ‘Choirnéil Uí Néill’ in 2014; and a New Writer’s award of the Gaelic Books Council in 2011. She is currently at work on her next collection of poetry.

Sandy was awarded the Oban Times Gold Medal at the 2017 Mòd, and has won numerous competitions for singing, clàrsach, composing and arranging. She holds music qualifications from the Universities of London and the Highlands and Islands, and plays clàrsach and concert harp. She is a Board member of the Gaelic College Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and former Board member of Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

In her earlier career, Sandy has been a governance adviser and senior executive in UN and Commonwealth organisations, development charities and language bodies. She freelances as a language coach for professional musicians including the BBC Singers. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, and has led seminar sessions on poetry translation. She speaks French, German and Spanish, and is learning Welsh. She holds Master’s degrees from Oxford, Harvard and London Universities, in languages, public administration and international relations.

More information on Sandy on her website.

Chaidh Sandaidh NicDhòmhnaill Jones ainmeachadh mar Bhàrd a’ Chomuinn Gàidhealaich 2019-2021 aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail Ghlaschu san Dàmhair 2019. Chaidh a cruinneachadh bàrdachd agus òran aice ‘Crotal Ruadh – Red Lichen’ fhoillseachadh le Acair ann an 2016, agus choisinn an leabhar an dàrna duais, an dearbh bhliadhna, san Duais Dhòmhnaill Meek. Choisinn i Duais Bàrdachd Gàidhlig Bhaile na h-Ùige ann an 2013; Duais Bàrdachd Gàidhlig/ Gaeilge ‘Choirnéil Uí Néill’ ann an 2014; agus Duais Sgrìobhadair Ùr bho Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean ann an 2011. Tha i an-dràsta ag obair air an ath chruinneachadh bàrdachd aice.

Choisinn Sandaidh Bonn Òr Tìm an Òbain aig Mòd 2017, agus tha e air grunn cho-fharpaisean a chosnadh airson seinn, clàrsach, ceòl is òrain ùra, agus cosheirmean. Tha teisteanasan ciùil aice bho Oilthighean Lunnainn agus OGE/UHI, agus bidh i a’ cluich na clàrsaich (na h-Alba agus consairt). Tha i na ball Bòrd Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, agus bha i na ball Bòrd na Gàidhlig na bu thràithe.

Na dhreuchd roimhe, bha Sandaidh na comhairliche riaghlaidh, agus àrd-oifigear ann am buidhnean na Dùthchanan Aonaichte agus a’ Cho-fhlaitheis; buidhnean carthannais leasachaidh eadarnàiseanta; agus buidhnean cànain. Tha i ag obair air a ceann fhèin mar neach-oide cànain do luchd-ciùil proifeasanta, nam measg na BBC Singers. ’S e FCIL (Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists) a th’innte, agus tha i air seiseanan-colabhairt a stiùireadh air eadar-theangachadh bàrdachd. Bidh i a’ bruidhinn na Fraingis, Gearmailtis agus Spàinntis, agus tha i ag ionnsachadh na Cuimris. Cheumnaich i le ceum Maighstir aig na h-Oilthighean Oxford, Harvard agus Lunnainn, ann an cànanan, rianachd phoblach agus dàimhean eadar-nàiseanta.

Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh mu Sandaidh aig:

Creative Conversations is programmed by the University of Glasgow Creative Writing Programme and funded by the Ferguson Bequest. Professor Thomas Ferguson (1900-1977), Henry Mechan Chair of Public Health (1944-64), bequeathed his estate to the University, with the instruction that the money should be used to foster the social side of University life. This event is organised in collaboration with The Gaelic Books Council

More about Creative Conversations on Glasgow West End Website

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This section: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Free Events, Zoom and online events

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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