OranMor's lunchtime theatre programme is produced by David Maclennan showcasing the work of some of Scotland's most talented playwrights, such as Denise Mina, plus the work of up and coming writers. Previous performances have included actors such as Robbie Coltrane, Elaine C. Smith, Karen Dunbar and Kathleen McDermott.
Come along for a wonderful lunchtime - the cost of the ticket includes a pie (vegetarian option) and a pint or glass of wine.
Performances last approximately 50 minutes, Monday to Saturday. Call 08444 77 1000 to book.
Sunday 13 May 2012
Monday 14th - Saturday 19th May
Written by Abdelrahim Alawji Monday 14th - Saturday 19th May Buy tickets online
In partnership with the National Theatre of Scotland
During an Israeli bombing raid in 2006 two strangers find shelter in a bombed out theatre in Beirut. It isn?t safe to go out and their only companion is a dead girl. The two men warily attempt to find a way to live together whilst telling stories of their past. Will they kill each other? Will they starve and more importantly?which one of them will get the girl. A mordant comedy from a young Lebanese writer.
During an Israeli bombing raid in 2006 two strangers find shelter in a bombed out theatre in Beirut.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Monday 21st - Saturday 26th May
Written by Various Authors
In partnership with the National Theatre of Scotland
Twenty four Authors 24 Locations 24 Hours in one 50 minute play. ?ran M?r and National Theatre of Scotland have commissioned short scenes from young playwrights across the Arab world. Each scene is a glimpse into a place and a moment in time. The whole show will be a portrait in glimpses of a generation and a moment of restlessness and change. The show will be performed by two young Egyptian actors and soundtracked with the best club music from Beirut, Tunis and Cairo.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Written by Ron Butlin
Monday 28th May - Saturday 2nd June
This is comedy with a serious centre. Peter has become so exhausted by the daily demands of contemporary living (endless re-structuring at work, daily commute, emails, consumer choice, CCTV, terrorist threats etc etc) that, as soon as he arrives home, he goes straight to bed. This is not how it used to be when Maggie fell in love with him. Back then they had dreams, and they had each other. Now he just sleeps.
David Maclennan wrote : ? . . . very funny, brutally perceptive about modern life and a wonderfully original scenario. . . . This is [agit-prop] at its best and wittiest.?
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Written by Peter MacDougall
Monday 4th - Saturday 9th June
Anyone who loves language will love this new work from Peter McDougall. As much poet as playwright, this new work shows this extraordinary writer at the height of his powers. Following on his wonderful Trilogy of plays about family written for Oran Mor this new work is a sometimes painful, sometimes poignant but always loving examination of relationships told with all McDougall?s wit, warmth and insight.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Monday 11th - Saturday 16th June
Adapted by Sandy Nelson
Pygmalion, arguably George Bernard Shaws best loved work, is a comedy of class, identity and morality, with just a hint of feminism.
Henry Higgins, professor of phonetics, is challenged by his friend and colleague Colonel Pickering to turn common flower girl Eliza Doolittle into a lady and, within a given time, pass her off as a duchess. Eliza, in her desire to ?better herself? engages the professor?s extraordinary talents. But who changes who? And for better or worse?
Writer Sandy Nelson and director Liz Carruthers reset the tale in Edinburgh at the turn of the 20th Century, a time of great social, political, artistic and technological change in Scotland.
Shaw takes his title from the Greek fable about the sculptor Pygmalion who falls in love with his marble creation and with a kiss brings her to life.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Written by Alfred Jarry
Monday 18th - Saturday 23rd June
Adapted by Marcus Roche
Watch Ubu conquer Poland!
Watch Ubu steal your money!
Long Live King Ubu!
In a flurry of unaccountability, King Ubu, as the frightfully indecisive everyman, brings an entire country to its knees. Based on Macbeth, this play outraged Parisian patrons at the turn of the 20th Century. Alfred Jarry?s masterpiece gives two fingers to the establishment and brings out everyone?s ineffectual, accidental and megalomaniacal inner murderer.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Written by William Shakespeare
Monday 25th - Saturday 30th June
Adapted by Philip Howard
John, the tyrant king, finds himself besieged on all sides - war with France and growing unrest at home in England, which he rules as if it were a possession. One of Shakespeare's most rarely performed plays, King John is also one of his most political, an incisive and brilliant study of an autocrat entirely removed from his own people.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Written by Noel Coward
Monday 2nd - Saturday 7th July
Adapted by Jennifer Hainey
Elyot Chase and Amanda Prynne, divorced from each other, are honeymooning in the Riviera with their new spouses. They meet again and run away to Amanda's Paris apartment to renew their passions for one another with hilarious consequences.
Written in 1933, Private Lives is arguably one of No?l Coward's finest plays. Coward's sparkling wit is used to great effect in this observation on modern romance.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
Monday 9th - Saturday 28th July
Monday 9th - Saturday 14th July (extra 3pm performances Friday/Saturday)
Monday 16th - Saturday 21st July (extra 3pm performances Thursday/Friday/Saturday)
Monday 23rd - Saturday 28th July (extra 3pm performances Thursday/Friday/Saturday)
Alice?s mum is boracic, and she is wandering the aisles of Poundland looking for summer treats.Alicereaches out to grasp a white rabbit keyring and before she knows it she is on the golden escalator to Plunderland ? A parallel universe where no one pays 50pence in the pound tax, and where everything costs the same ? a million ? but you don?t have to pay for it if you are rich. Travel withAliceand meet Milliedum, Milliedee, The King of Clubs, The Queen of Diamonds, The Fat Cat, The Mad Banker and all your other favourite characters you love to hate.
Buy tickets online at ticketweb
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Tuesday 23 Aug 2011
Monday 5th - Saturday 10th September
Twenty-five years ago there was a legendary Highlands and Islands tour of Liz Lochhead's adaptation of Tartuffe.
Monday 12th - Saturday 17th September
A suspicious death at the work place, and down at heel, loner, security guard Nick Prentice, gets hauled in Kafka style, for the interrogation beef.
Monday 19th - Saturday 24th September
Davy Small has prepared an inspirational lesson on haiku for his very first class as a newly qualified teacher.
Monday 26th September - Saturday 1st October
Another day, another dolour for our forensic detective. Who was she? What's the story? Where were you?
Monday 3rd - Saturday 8th October
Tommy's just been laid off but Dean's got a plan to make big money. When it's every man for themselves what's more important, legality or ethics?
Monday 10th - Saturday 15th October
Monday 17th - Saturday 22nd October
Monday 24th - Saturday 29th October
McAdam's Torment is a new play by a young Irish writer, Audrey Devereaux, which is loosely based on the legend of Sawney Beane, the notorious bandit chief of the Ayrshire Coast
Monday 31st Oct - Saturday 5th November
Connected - an irresistible caper through the meaning of friendship, in analogue and digital. Daz and Simon have been mates for a long time. Maybe a bit too long.
Monday 7th - Saturday 12th November
Geoffrey Robbins is dead - his singing flatmates inform the unsuspecting policeman who has arrived at the door of their tenth floor flat ...