In the boat I don't yet have. Collect Poems by Aidan McEoin.

Photo: book cover. Book Launch, Tuesday 3rd March, 2009 in Borders, Buchanan Street

Aidan McEoin's Book of Collected Poems, "In the boat I don't yet have', a Singing Sands publication, will be launched at Borders, Book Shop, Buchanan Street at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday 3rd March.

The book will be introduced by David Hayman, the well known actor. The poems in this collection of Aidan's poetry draw on the author's experience of life in Glasgow and Edinburgh and latterly his time in Lochaber and the Small Isles.

Often comical, sometimes despairing, always insightful and dramatic, these poems are written in a deceptively simple and engaging style that leaves you wondering what the next poem will bring.

Audan McEoin takes us on a turbulent and thought provoking odyssey through landscapes of the imagination to the dark corners of our souls and from there, back to reality.

All welcome at the launch and Aidan's readings are a rare treat.


Here's a little taster:

I Thought I'd Forgotten

It was you that I saw in my dream
One day long ago.
I'd thought I'd forgotten,
For a time I did.
You've materialised in form
Rumbling through the rubble
Of barriers that have fallen
Powerless to your truth.
I respond with honesty
As I did in my dream,
Welcoming you in my reality
With friendship, trust and respect-
With a oneness so rare.
I'd thought I'd forgotten,
For a time I did
You've revived an emotion
Within me.

That has so much to give,
To shre, to hold,
To lean upond,
I'm there and here now
One day long ago.
I'd thought I'd forgotten,
For a time I did.

My confusion is my reality:
Deep down inside
A flame flickers,
Responding to the fire of
That burns within you.
Your strength of resolve
A beacon
To the weakness of those and I
Who would shut out
Human compassion towards
Others that are vulnerable
For nothing other than a
That could never truly be possessd if
Stained or tainted with a narrow mind.
A selfish ego, and unjust love.
An acceptance with a humility
Of your hurtful honest-
An inspirational testimony
To those and I
Who are fortunate to share.
My strngths are within -
Safe, unworthy
Until now.
I offer them to you
Without condition, with all I am
Capable of.
The flickering flame
Responds, with love

The Launch

Photo: david hayman.Jim and I thoroughly enjoyed the launch of Aidan McEoin's book of collected poems - "In the boat I don't yet have"

The actor, David Hayman, who is a great friend of Aidan's, provided a very humourous introduction to the evening - with his clear affection for the poet and a genuine admiration for his work shining through.

We were looking forward to the readings as Aidan is a wonderful performer and made a briliant contribution, when he came along and read some of his poems at the launch of Jim's cd. We've also seen him perform at The Hidden Lane Cafe, where you can catch him third Monday or every month (next date 16th March, 2009).

There was a great turn out at Border's for the launch, with every seat taken, and the audience very much enjoyed "the wee journey from Edinburgh, to Glasgow to the Small Isles" - the locations for most of the writings.

Photo: judith nicola carolyn."The Dripping Tap" tells of the loneliness and frustration experienced when living in a bedsit in Edinburgh. Then "Cog" sends out a sharp message to administators working with people who are signing on at the dole, who may be contributing to feelings of despair by making people feel "inhuman'. Though, perhaps they may be "the one in the cage".

However, Aidan's poems speak of, and evoke, many emotions, and they are certainly not all about despair and some very cleverly insert a humourous note into a rather sad subject "Giro Day" is one of those.

"I head for home backwards
Without even a forward glance
Asking everyone I meet.
Would ye like to dance?"

Photo: aidan.The poems take us through cityscapes and landscapes, the beauty of nature and history; telling of harsh experiences, friendship, relationships, joy, sadness and sensuality.

They are clever and full of drama but they have a wonderful natural ease, which strikes me as a reflection of Aidan's personality.

I love "My walk on Binn Mountain - you can almost feel yourself share the impact of the "Elements".
"The tranquility that
Billows through my very




The Lammerlaws with its amazing imagery

...The ruins of a once flourishing
If silent community,
Buried beneath vegetation,
Sealing its fate.
Its secrets, its knowledge
Of what had been
And gone,
Cindered and scorched into
The gentle lap lapping of the

The title poem: "In the Boat I Don't Yet Have" - I must admit to having read a few times. It's very intriguing, perhaps a metaphor reflecting the aims, dreams and requirements of life?

Pat Byrne, March, 2009.

The book can be purchased at Borders and costs £5.95. It's also on sale at Rio's Cafe, Hyndland Street, Partick or email for details

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