Glasgay 2006

Photo: and god created. Festival Dates Saturday 14th October - Sunday 12th November

Glasgay! Scotland's annual celebration of queer culture is now 13 years old. Founded in 1993 by Cordelia Ditton and Dominic D'Angelo, the festival now attracts visitors from all over the world and offers a sparkling programme of theatre, comedy, clubs, art and much more.

Highlights of the programme include the first ever Scottish production of Alan Bennett's classic monologues 'Talking Heads'- part of the Tron Theatre's Tron Theatre's 25th anniversary celebrations. The Citizens will show 'And God Created' with Laurance Rudic, where the actor explores his 'life, loves and journeys through a world of enchantment, pain, release and fulfilment'.

At the CCA Diane Torr, founder of New York's Drag King culture, returns to the stage in Donald Does Dusty, 'a fascinating exploration of her teenage years'.

Photo: queens reinas. The Importance of Being Alfred, Louise Walsh's hit will be shown at the Arches Theatre.

The Festival includes an imaginative visual art programme, including Graffiti Brasil, and Hey, hetero! a public art project, which will be shown across the City's subway stations.

The comedy programme is headed by Jason Wood of BBC's primetime show 29 Minutes of Fame in Anus Horribilis. and Clubbers will be able to enjoy everything from Utter Gutter to the Big Noise Ceilidh, 'where queer punk meets friendly neighbourhood dance with kilted men, cheerleaders and a marching band'. Sounds like fun!!!

Glasgay also features a film programme of 17 movies at CCA and GFT also at the CCA you can catch Literature and Dance Events will take place at the Tramway.

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