Poland and Scotland Meet in Poetry and Song

Readings from Polish and Scottish Poets

An evening of entertainment from Polish and Scottish writers with musical accompaniment celebrating the twinning of Edinburgh and Krakow.

Venue:Causwayside Building, National Library, on Grange Road, Edinburgh (just south of the Meadows) at 8.00 p.m. on 25th May, 2004.

There will be readings of poems by Polish poets based in Scotland as well as readings by Scottish poets and the evening should last about two and a half hours.
The event is free, however, you should book a place
Email: events@nls.uk or telephone 0131-622 4807.

Several poets from Glasgow will be reading the works of three Polish born poets who now live in Scotland. Two of the poets write in Polish and their work will be read in the original language as well as in translation. The third, Basia Palka, although Polish born, has lived in this country since the age of ten and writes in English. The group who are presenting the work are an informal group of writers called 'The Reading Party' who meet on an irregular basis at the Polish Club in Glasgow.

This is one of my favourite poems by Basia

Letting go

First anger, then
a sort of sadness sets in
followed by much weeping.
When the eyes have dried out so much
that it's difficult to open and close eyelids -
true pain.
Beyond pain -
numbness. There you stay 'til
you let go.
Only then can you begin
to love
the change.