Southside Festival 2015, The Steamie Galleries, Application Form

“The Steamie Galleries” – Call for participants
Application Form Details
Running during the Southside Fringe Festival 2015
This show will run for the first 3 weeks of May.
Dates: Saturday 2nd May – Sunday 24th May, 2015
Opening hours: 11am – 5:30pm, Monday to Saturday.
Free Entry
Hand in date 27 April, 2015
The venue is in “The Steamie” at the back of the Govan Hill Baths (GHB),99 Calder Street, Govanhill, Glasgow, G42 7RA. The daytime access for the gallery is on Kingarth Street at the back of the GHB’s.
The exhibition is opening a week before the official start of the Festival but we are still featured in the Fringe Program. The closing party to the Fringe is being held in the back of the GHB on the eve of the 24th, which coincides with the last night of the exhibition. It is asked all that are participating make every effort to advertise to their social circles to ensure as high as possible publicity for everyone involved.
Facebook page
Please ‘like’ now. And share as much as you can especially closer to the opening. We will do features on artists in the run up to and during the event.
Submission Form
Exhibit Details.
Please be aware the Festival has no funding from any other sources other than themselves, as is the rest of the Fringe Festival. It’s run by volunteers working for the greater good of the artistic community and you’re asked to bear this in mind and be patient and understand that it may not be possible to cater for everyone’s needs. They will be working with a limited budget with a lot of things to cover.
The area in the GHB’s known as “The Steamie” is in a very rustic state just now so a dedicated team of volunteers is carrying out some construction and redecorating tthis o create a brand new exciting gallery space. The gallery is next to the new theatre also being built at the moment. The theatre will be used during most nights that the Fringe is running.
The Festival want to encourage participating by as many people but there is only so much space available. Please complete Submission Form and return to ASAP. For those who are selected prompt payment will be required.
There will be only originals in this exhibition. It’s a new space, so if you have time, please make something fresh for it.
All 2D work must be wall hang-able with D rings fitted near the top edge of your work. Chains and S hooks will be used to hang the art. Due to restricted space you will be allowed one set of chains, 1 meter across x 2.5 meters down for each artist. It is up to you how many works of art you feel you can get in that space. The curating team will hang the work for you and it is at their discretion where, and how many of your works, will get hung up. Print browsers are not allowed.
3D work is welcome; please contact the organizers if this is something you would like to do, as space requirements will have to be discussed.
There will be an exhibition program printed that shall contain your full contact details.
The art works will be displayed simply with – Title / Medium / Artist Name / Price – in the same fashion for unity.
The festival is not insured for your work. You either have your own PLI insurance or it is displayed at your own risk. The exhibit will be invigilated and the space is secure outwith the opening times. Every care will be taken as much as possible but the organizers will accept no responsibility for theft or damage.
It is your responsibility to deliver the work on time and remove it immediately at the end of show. Hand in date is April 27th 11am- 6pm. Collection is May 25th 11am- 6pm. There is no storage available for late pick-ups. The organizers will take your work away and a £5 per day storage fee will apply.
There is 10% commission charge on all sales during the exhibition. The commission is going into a pot that will be split equally between all of the volunteers who invigilate during the 3 weeks. Thus there will be an incentive to invigilators to sell others work while they are there and be rewarded for it. If your work is sold you will be contacted and you are welcome to replace it with a new work. The display will not be rotated over the month. As much as it would be nice to have a change over of artists there is not the time or manpower to organize this.
The opening times are being officially being advertised as 11am- 5:30 but on the nights that the theatre is on, so there will be opportunities for some late nights. Most of the theatre shows have intermissions and there is the theatre bar being used at the back of the gallery. Opportunities will be available to chat to the theatre-goers about the work on the walls, and hopefully attain a few cheeky sales!
If you are participating you will be asked to invigilate at least once a week. 2 – 4 invigilators will be booked per day depending on the opening hours of the theatre. The day shift is from 10:30am-6pm and the evening shift is from 6pm- roughly 10:30pm. A £5 taxi budget is allocated to anyone doing the evening shifts. The theatre’s schedule will nlot be known until closer to mid April so you arrangements will not be worked out immediately. Many participants will have Mon- Friday day jobs also and won’t be able to do weekday day shifts. Don’t panic, once the exhibitors are confirmed an availability rota for invigilating will be sent out and organization will be carried out fairly.
Please have business cards aplenty, as there will be a table that you can put your cards on. There will also be a workspace table as well so feel free to have a bit of arty fun while you are there. Sketch a bit, use the space interactively!
Art Work:
We have a fair amount of wall space, but at the moment “The Steamie” is still a rustic construction site. The building team has to source plenty of raw materials to make this space come alive. Materials include: piping, chain, lighting, scaffolding, wood, paint, and many other bits and bobs to make this a very cool venue to hang work in. A lot of planning has gone into the construction and layout design. One exciting aspect is that we are building a floating wall in the middle of the gallery.
Submission Options:
2D Artwork:
You get 1 meter x 2.5 meters wall space for £50. Displays roughly 2-3 art works depending on size.
You can have half wall display, which is 1 meter x 1.25 meter for £30. These spaces will possibly be shared with another artists work. You can adequately fit 1-2 pieces each depending on size .
There are only a few locations in the space that will be suitable for art works that exceed the 1meter width. It’s £15 per piece if you are also taking option 1 or 2, if not it will be the minimum fee of £30 if it is the only piece you are submitting. If you have a large piece of work you are asked to contact the organiser to specifically discuss your requirements.
3D Artwork:
There is space for only a few 3D artists to take part in this show. The fee is £30 per plinth. You will be required to supply your own plinths. Plinths must be painted white. If you are a 3D artist please get in touch to discuss your requirements, as space is very limited.
As with 3D artists please contact to discuss your requirements. Your cabinets will most definitely need to be secure. The fee is £30 per small cabinet or plinth.
Expenditure and Payment:
The monies taken for the submission to this exclusive opportunity will be used by the organizers to create a whole new gallery space, buy all materials needed for construction, pay all of the advertisement, hire the lighting, pay allocated taxi fares, and provide refreshments at the opening and closing days of the exhibition. All of the 10% commission from sales will be split equally between the registered invigilators. The more shifts you dedicate yourself too, the more of a share you will be entitled. The organizers are not working for profit, only as volunteers, and will be doing their share of invigilating.
All payments will be required upon confirmation of your booking. Payments will be requested through BACS transfer.
There is a plenty of opportunity to volunteer in the construction and advertising of the event. If you would like to become more involved let the organizers know your availability and what strengths you have!
‘We are very excited to get this amazing opportunity rock and rolling and to have you take part with us! Fill the form in, and we’ll get back to you soon.’
Submission Form
Michelle Cohen, Peter Gillies, and Ross Williamson
“The Steamie Galleries” Team
Selection of participating artists will be made by April 10th.
Payment of fee will be required by April 17th. Understand This!
Work will be required delivered to the venue only on 27th April between 11am – 6pm, and to be removed either at end of show on night of Monday May 25th between 11am – 6pm. If you are not available to collect you need to arrange for someone to pick up.
There is no late storage, organizers will remove your work and a £5 fee will incur per day of late pic up.
Any further questions please contact:
Mailing address :
The Steamie Galleries
Govan Hill Baths
Kingarth Street Entrance
Glasgow, Lanarkshire G42 7QR
United Kingdom
This section: Art, Photography, Exhibitions what's on-glasgow, Events, Fairs, Festivals and Fundraisers, Southside Festival 2015
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