Scottish Youth Theatre, Glasgow: Theatre Toolbox: Easter Course: Theatre Toolbox (ages 12-16)
Easter Course: Theatre Toolbox (ages 12-16)
Monday 14 – Friday 18 April 2014
Theatre Toolbox is an exciting, week long project to give you the chance to try out a variety of specialist skills workshops and learn something new, during the Easter holiday.
Sign up for the whole week or just book in to the workshops that interest you – the choice is yours! Toolbox workshops are suitable for complete beginners, but if you have taken part in previous Theatre Toolbox courses, you will be given the opportunity to build on your skills and try even more new techniques!
- MONDAY – Stage Makeup and Special Effects
Come along to SYT’s dressing rooms, sit at the mirror and turn on the lights. learn from a professional makeup artist how to use stage makeup to create realistic cuts, bruises and scars as well as making yourself look older, scarier or sillier.
- TUESDAY – Act! Sing! Dance!
Act, sing and dance your way through all-time favourite West End Musical scenes.
- WEDNESDAY – Make ‘Em Laugh
Do you think you’re funny? Work with a professional comedian to write and perform your own stand-up routine or comedy sketch. No experience necessary, a sense of humour is essential!
- THURSDAY – Acting for camera
Using scripts from popular TV shows, learn the basics of acting for film and TV in this exciting and useful workshop, led by a professional actor. Learn the skills, and try them out in front of a camera.
- FRIDAY – Script In Hand
It’s all about text in this full day script workshop. Whether you want to act or direct, come and work with classic theatre texts and create short performances to be shared to an audience of family and friends at the end of the day.
Times: 9.30am-5pm (drop off 8.30am / pick up until 6pm)
Cost: £25 per day, £100 for full week
Venue: Scottish Youth Theatre @ The Old Sheriff Court
Scottish Youth Theatre
The Old Sheriff Court, 105 Brunswick Street, Glasgow, G1 1TF
The Old Sheriff Court, 105 Brunswick Street, Glasgow, G1 1TF
For more information, please contact us at or on 0141 552 3988.
This section: Kids and young people
Filed under: Kids and young people
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