G12 End of Season Showcase, Websters Theatre

Sunday 16 June, 2024, 6.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Websters Theatre, 416 Great Western Road, Glasgow G4 9HZ
G12 Performing Arts would like to invite you to their end of season showcase, a fabulous evening of entertainment for all of the family and a great way to commence your Summer.
There will be performances from all genres; Ballet, tap, modern, jazz, musical theatre and commercial.
They will have a host of surprises for you and something for everyone. It really will be an evening to remember for all the family young and old.
So please do come along to Websters Theatre on 16th June 2024.
They cannot wait to entertain you.
The Preschool performance will be at 4pm
This section: Kids and young people, What's on in Glasgow: Theatre and Comedy
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