Poetry by Maryam Raza

Maryam Raza

Teetering steps turn to tenacious strides.

Wavering buds bloomed into matchless flowers
The gruff morphed to poise
Whilst the sturdy attained unsurmountable strength.
Sweltering summer rooms,
a furnace moulding gold.
A world of glamour deeply layered with intellect,
Eternal memories etched, a treasure box that
unlocked coveted opportunities.
Spiralling laughters echo forever.
The towering trees stood high
but never obstructed as we commenced to soar

The snake slithers in silence

In the silken sheets.
Hissing its split-tongue
from which drizzles venomous honey.

The snake slithers
and rattles with glee
when you feed its snakelets.

The snake slithers
and gently enwraps
you in its warmth
till you choke in bile.

The snake slithers
and slays
in deep envy –
or so he says.

Chasm of Wonder

The knife diced through the paper thin skin
Revealing layers of existence.
The blood trickled
and then stopped like a river run dry
or a stream blocked with boulders.

The sliced thumb gapes.
The flimsy skin reveals

Sheets of layers
Atop each other
Recounting marvels of His art.

A wound turned into a sculpture
Which will weave itself shut
Once it has lulled words of praise.

Maryam Raza, May, 2022

Maryam’s poetry has been published in the anthology:

Black Book of Poems. Volume 2“.

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This section: stories and poems, Writing

Filed under: stories and poems, Writing

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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