Mary Irvine’s Blog: Let’s Eat Pop Up Market at SWG3

A New Experience (for me)
Have just come back from the foodfest/Let’s Eat pop-up market at SWG3. Thanks to Google I managed to find the place easily enough. First stall – out on a limb, in splendid isolation as it were, was the Vegan Information unit and the next a Highland cow in a pen only big enough for it to stand. Next to the cow-pen were three small pigs in the boot of a car. Think there’s an irony/moral to be had there but I won’t labour it.
More stalls, bees and honey, the smell of cooked lamb, organic vegetables, ice cream, fish and then the sound of music caused me to turn right into a square of Glaswegian restaurants. The smells also would have drawn you in. The smell of the variety of foods being prepared and consumed pervaded the air quite deliciously. There was already quite a crowd sitting, sampling the plates on offer, to the accompaniment of a quintet of very accomplished musicians playing reggae.
On to the main building. Several small rooms. Great going in and seeing niche areas of taste, smell, even touch. Each exponent was obviously very passionate and knowledgeable about their particular specialisation. Lots of alcoholic bars and stalls to satisfy every palette. Then the main area.
I did sit for a while as a demo of how to make banana pancakes was just beginning. I do appreciate the rationale behind marketing and encouraging people to buy but the demo was a wee bit laboured for me so left before the actual cooking started. There was so much to see, more tea plants than I’ve seen since my visit to China, meats, fish, drinks, bread, pies, chocolates, cakes.
Could have spent a fortune but confined myself to a homemade jar of extra strong chilli paste which I sampled before buying and also treated myself to two different cheeses from the George Mewes stall. Had to support my grandson! I also had a lunch from the same stall, a plate of several samples of cheese with chutney and crackers.
I went along to the coffee room to buy a freshly ground cup of Kenyan and sat soaking up the smell of all the coffee beans. Had another look round and spent some time listening to the live music. Couldn’t see any ‘name’ but the five musicians obviously enjoyed their music. Accomplished and Enjoyment. What more can one ask for…
This section: Eating and drinking Glasgow West End, Mary Irvine: Writer and Philhellene
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