Jackie Marno McGoldrick Exhibition and Art Prize

1 – 14 November, 2024
The Jackie Marno-McGoldrick Art Prize
The Alchemy Experiment, 157 Byres Rd, Glasgow G12 8TS
Review of Prizewinning Event, Pat Byrne.
The Jackie Marno-McGoldrick Art Prize is an annual Glasgow student art competition open to students in the Clydebank area.
The JMM Art Prize’s mission is to continue the legacy of Jackie Marno-McGoldrick – an artist and art teacher from Clydebank High School who’s mission it was to empower Glasgow’s kids with a creative voice and vision.
2024 is it’s inaugural year, with students entering from Clydebank High School, St Peter of Apostle, Vale of Leven Academy, Dumbarton Academy and GavinBurn Primary School. It’s ongoing annual plans are to expand to all schools across West Dumbartonshire.
The JMM Art Prize is open to any students under 18 years of age, and open to any medium. The awards are being given at the Alchemy Experiment on October 31st, 2024 prior to the exhibition opening to the public.
All submitted artwork will be on display for 2 weeks. 1 – 14 November, 2024
The Alchemy Experiment on Instagram
Review – Prizewinning event

Callum Stewart
I went along to the prize giving event at The Jackie Marno-McGoldrick Exhibition, at The Alchemy Experiement on Byres Road, with my greatniece Freya and her gran, Clare. It was a very busy night and wonderful to see so many pieces of art created by secondary and primary pupils from West Dunbartonshire Schools. Callum Stewart, Jackie’s son, who organised the exhibition, explained that all the exhibits were already winners as they represented the top 20% chosen from all submissions.
2nd Rebeka Sherry – St Peter the Apostle

Frankie and mum
The Winning Painting

Frankie Thom Clydebank High
There were four second prizes but it was so busy I only managed to speak to Matthew McKenzie , aged 13 (St Peter’s and the Apostle) and his very proud mum. I loved Matthew’s painting of a striking Glasgow tenement. He plans to study architecture in the future and looks like he is on an excellent track.

Matthew McKenzie St Peter and the Apostle

Matthew M. St Peter’s and the Apostle

Leah Harkiss St Peter the Apostle

Rebekq Sherry St Peter the Apostle
I was particularly interested in this event as one my great nieces Freya O’Neill had a painting for inclusion in the exhibition. I would love to have this hanging on my wall.
The art teachers from Clydebank High were very happy with their pupils and their achievements.

Art Teachers from Clydebank High
It was a wonderful event and a fitting tribute to Jackie Marno McGoldrick, who was such a dedicated teacher. This is the first of many exhibitions that will be held in her honour.
Pop into The Alchemy Experiment, 157 Byres Road, and enjoy the amazing talent of West Dunbartonshire’s young artists. The exhibition runs until 14 November, 2024.
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