Glasgow Botanic Gardens – Tour the Kibble Palace

Tour the Kibble Palace this Winter
“Monty Don was recently seen on BBC visiting the Kibble Palace for his current series Monty Don’s British Gardens. He describes The Kibble as “The best glasshouse in the World” and “One of the best glasshouse experiences in the World”
Most of our readers knew that all along! Many remember their first visit and many remember visiting the Kibble all their lives.”
Tours of the Kibble Beginning January 2025
“Have you ever thought of having a guided tour? No matter how often you have visited there is always something different to see. I am pleased to say that our garden guides have resumed winter tours as of January 2025. During February we are organising public tours on Thursdays at 11am and 2 pm. We will also be touring on Saturday mornings at 11am. Tours last around an hour and no prior booking is required. Please meet at the fish pond in the Kibble. The tours are organised by Friends of Glasgow Botanic Gardens and the volunteer guides are trained by the Friends. No charge is made for the tours. Donations to the Friends are used for developing the collection of plants in the Gardens and are welcome at our tap and donate machine in the Kibble.”
“The Kibble holds the largest display of insectivorous plants in the UK. If anyone knows of a larger display please let me know. Under the main dome is a large collection of warm temperate southern hemisphere plants mainly from south America, southern Africa, southern Asia, Australia and New Zealand. There is also the UK national collection of tree ferns.”
“The Kibble has been functioning as a “warm room” for generations of Glaswegians since 1873 and is a great place to meet up with friends on a cold winter day. When you visit why not visit the Botanics Tea Room which is open weekly from Wednesdays to Sundays?
Before your visit please check up to date details at Friends of the Boranic Gardens Website “
Dr Robert Jamieson, Chair
Further details of Tours of the Botanic Gardens
Some Images of the Kibble by Jim Byrne
This section: Walks, Walks and Tours Glasgow
Filed under: Walks, Walks and Tours Glasgow
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