Festa Dos Anos De Álvero De Campos Cheeky Besom Productions

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Tuesday 15 October, 2019, 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Calton Bar
415 London Road
Glasgow, G40 1AG

Free event for all

SUMMER WRITING CHALLENGE – You’ve got a cute way of talking, You got the better of me, Just snap your fingers and I’m walking, Like a dog hanging on your lead, I’m in a spin, you know, Shaking on a string, you know, You make me feel like dancing, I’m gonna dance the night away.Cheeky Besom Productions are going live with Tavira Portugal in October! They are celebrating the art of lying, Cheeky Besom Productions 1st Anniversary and Festa Dos Anos De Álvero De Campos. Álvaro de Campos is a heteronym of Fernando Pessoa and they sometimes quoted and interacted with each other and other people. CALLING ALL CREATIVES: In Álvaro de Campos’ world “things must simply be felt” Our theme for the evening then is, what do you feel? Bring us your poetry, your stories, your songs, your art. Come on down to the Glasgow Literary Lounge @Calton Bar and tell folk how you feel. It’s the best literary gig in dear old Glasgow town. Each artist will be given a 5-7 minute slot to be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Slot times will be shared on the night. To secure a slot Contact: Ruby McCann: mccannruby@gmail.com. Jim Ferguson will be our host for the evening.

Glasgow Literary Lounge @CaltonBar

Jim Ferguson,  host for the evening, is a Glasgow-based poet, pamphleteer, novelist and critic. He is a Creative Writing Tutor at Glasgow Kelvin College. More Information about Jim Ferguson

Brian McFall, musician, singer and songwriter, will be sharing his NEW and original musical masterpiece, an interpretation of Álvaro de Campos’ poem ‘Birthday’ on the night. Remember you heard it here first! More on Brian McFall

Cheeky Besom Productions will be in direct contact with fellow Portuguese artists who will be celebrating the 5th edition of the FESTA DOS ANOS DE ÁLVARO DE CAMPOS / BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR ÁLVARO DE CAMPOS in his home town of Tavira. Our BIRTHDAY PARTY in Glasgow will integrate the Portuguese programme,.
Tela Leão, initiator and programmer of FESTA DOS ANOS DE ÁLVARO DE CAMPOS, welcomes the partnership with Glasgow in the same way that Cheeky Besom Productions are honoured to be a part of this international collaboration.  More information on Tela Leão

Poets Working in Collaboration

Two Scottish poets will be working with two poets from Tavira from the 9th to the 13th of October, translating poems from Shetlandic to Portuguese, and from Portuguese to Shetlandic. The poets involved in the translation project are Christine De Luca, Christie Williamson, Pedro Jubilot and Vitor Cardeira.

More About Cheeky Besom Productions – Artists with Attitude

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Cheeky Besom Productions: ‘Artists with Attitude’: (poet, writer, and critic, Jim Ferguson, artist, Louise Malone, writer/performer, Maria Marchidanu and flâneuse, Ruby McCann) A Glasgow based artist collective. We devise concepts, split all running costs, and collaborate to create: sharing knowledge, making and creating, for the love of literature, art, and music. ‘We champion artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people’s lives.’

Cheeky Besom Productions on Facebook


The Hunterian Poems at Kelvin Hall – National Poetry Day 2019
Poetry Launches CCA – Stephen Watt, Derek Parkes and Mandy Haggith

This section: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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