Doreen Hopwood -Another Talented Author from the Vale

doreen hopwood

Vale author, Doreen Hopwood, recently launched her debut novel ‘A Dynasty of Dragons’ at the Alexandria library, attracting an audience of over 40. In conversation with fellow author, Mary Irvine, Doreen spoke of how her love of writing developed from a less than helpful primary school teacher to writing short stories, eventually concentrating on poetry. As a left-hander she incurred the wrath said teacher as the writing sloped slightly backwards. An example of Doreen’s ‘bad’ handwriting was shown to each member of the class, before being torn to shreds and consigned to a litter bin. No attempt was made to read the content. Not deterred Doreen continued her writing in journals bought with pocket money.

In adulthood Doreen joined a local writers’ group, ‘Pen and Ink’, where she became friends with Agnes Owen who introduced her to the ‘Third Eye’ meetings in Glasgow. Here she met such poets as Tom Leonard, Alasdair Gray and Edwin Morgan, to name-drop a few but long before they became famous. She co-wrote scripts, with Margaret Higgins, for the ‘Day Oot Drama Company’ including a panto and ‘Children of the Mist’. She has also been asked, by Agnes Owens’ son if she would mind giving an interview to a student who is writing a thesis on Agnes Owen.

Asked when, where and how her novel evolved Doreen said  “People say that everyone has got a book in them. I’ve had poetry published and been in various writing groups over the years but. I didn’t ever think I would actually publish a book.”

a dynasty of dragons

The seed of what was to became ‘A Dynasty of Dragons’ was sown when the Leven Litts group of writers was given the word ‘garden’ as a stimulus. Doreen wrote a short story, Molly’s garden’, and the character Molly arrived. “It became easy every week to add something to it using the word we were given.” Molly discovers a portal in her garden that takes her to a fairy world. the fantasy world that runs parallel with theirs. Doreen is thrilled that, at the age of 72, she has finally completed her novel and takes great pleasure in seeing it for sale, locally and online. (A Dynasty of Dragons at Amazon)

The novel eventually came into being, taking six years to complete. The result is a well-crafted story, written in perfect English – unfortunately not always the case these days – and beautifully and professionally produced with a stunning front cover. It is the first of a planned trilogy, the second is already being written. The book is a magical journey reflecting Doreen’s love and extensive knowledge of Celtic myth and legend, plotting Molly’s journey between two contrasting worlds. A must for anyone who enjoys fantasy and adventure.

Mary Irvine July/August 2024

Mary Irvine's Blog: Two Successes
Mary Irvine's Blog: Education is More than Schooling

This section: Mary Irvine: Writer and Philhellene

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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