Cross-feed Night School with Dr David Luke

Thursday 26 April, 2018, 6.30 p.m.
The Reidvale Centre, 13 Whitevale Street, Glasgow G31 1 QW
In conjunction with the exhibition Cross-feed, Market Gallery presents a special edition of Night School with Dr David Luke at Reidvale Hall.
Dr David Luke will present his scientific research into psychoactive substances and transpersonal experiences.
Dr David Luke is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Greenwich where he has been teaching an undergraduate course on the Psychology of Exceptional Human Experience since 2009. His research focuses on transpersonal experiences, anomalous phenomena and altered states of consciousness, especially via psychedelics, having published more than 100 academic papers in this area, including seven books, most recently Otherworlds: Psychedelics and Exceptional Human Experience (2017). David is also director of the Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness salon at the Institute of Ecotechnics, London, and is a cofounder and director of Breaking Convention: International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness. He has given over 200 invited public lectures and conference presentations, won both teaching and research awards, organised numerous festivals, conferences, seminars, retreats, expeditions and pilgrimages, and has studied techniques of consciousness alteration from South America to India, from the perspective of scientists, shamans and Shivaites. He lives life on the edge, of Sussex.
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