Beaconsfiled Toddlers’ Group, St Johns Renfield Church, Beaconsfield Road
New mums – we need you!
Lots of our little ones are graduating to nursery so we have lots of space and toys that want to be played with. Come and join us at our very friendly toddler group in St Johns Renfield Church Hall, Beaconsfield Road, Kelvindale
Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10-12noon during term time.
Lots of good quality toys in a large, bright, clean hall. Special baby area and cosy corner for reading or chilling out. Baby changing areas available. Different activities provided each Tuesday including play doh and crafts. We aim to provide a welcoming environment for everyone – we have mums, dads, new mums, childminders, nannies, grandparents who all come along for a cuppa and a chat.
Only £15 a year and 50p a visit which includes tea, coffee and biscuits for the adults and lots of healthy snacks for the children.
Like us on Facebook Beaconsfield-Toddlers/
This section: Kids and young people
Filed under: Kids and young people
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