And now, for something different – Blog 2 Experimental Writing by Mary Irvine
Hi there,
Although I had written many academic essays/dissertations/articles it was several years after retirement before I began writing creatively. I love the freedom to experimenting with different styles.
The following, written during the Uni course, explains why…
A Personal Odyssey
lacks imagination
comment on upper junior school report re story writing
has an over active imagination
comment made by family doctor re recurrent nightmares
both made about the same time…
often an adult creates a ghost for a child to carry into a lifetime of haunting a haunting not always confronted to avoid the reality of an answer an answer not always wanted but a time comes when the answer doesn’t matter and the child is brave enough to begin a journey to discover the answer and lay that ghost…
approximately fifty five years after these comments i sit in a room at glasgow university it is the first class of an mlitt in creative writing the beginning of my odyssey to accept or disprove the periodically haunting words of childhood my eyes move round the table hopefully unobtrusively am surrounded by young things and think they’re all younger than me younger by many years most of them a bundle of energy arrives and delivers an introduction at a rate of knots another thought my god what am i letting myself in for the energy and members of the group discuss people i don’t know later realise these people write articles which i can access on something called moodle chinese food and cows combine in thoughts already feel seriously out of depth go on to harper lees mocking bird more secure as only book on reading list i know then realise book is being read with different approach whole new ball game must rethink my approach avoid eye contact with tutor who obviously has skill of detecting slightest indication someone wishes to declaim hope i get through class without being considered epsilon semi moron on train going home i plan some serious work for next meeting gertrude stein vaguelynamefamiliarnamevaguelyfamiliar but am not acquainted with her writing realise i hear in time past her work dismissed by evelyn waugh as complete gibberish read three lives somewhat strange english can’t quite put finger on it sometimes sounds like translations not sure if deliberate or reflects stein’s origins read not obligatory second stein book the autobiography of alice b toklas ok so far then read tender buttons might be a mistake as might be initial enrolment on course now comes the homework three days to produce something on which i have no concept increasing tendency to agree with evelyn waugh many hours of
stompingupanddownlivingroomupanddownstomping muttering foul language period of calm follows decision to tackle job as academic exercise mostly works pleasing that first homework not complete fiasco the hemingway presents itself wary when I find he cites stein as influence always feel i should read some of his work but can never get over man himself feel the same way re dickens dickens i still avoid but hemingway what a powerful book a book so powerful i am with old man and his sea every tortured step of the tortured way is soooooooo descriptive utilising and appealing to all the senses surprised realisation that one who adores keats doesnt use senses more make mental note to check recent pieces love hemingways technique of repetition now try not to be so verbose but blatantly copy idea of repetition when feel situation demands decision to read more of hemingway feeling more comfy in class now getting used to the rapid fire deliveries think it is about this time mention is made of something called a process journal make another note to find out what it is discuss with friend who comments you carry your process journal in your head a lifetime of experience and experiences ah good an advantage over young things shaws paradox of youth being wasted on the young springs to mind makes me feel more confident on to carson mccullers ballad of the small cafe title suggests dylan has put music to it at some time run a check no but give him time in mccullers gentle simple nonjudgemental style she sympathises with societys misfits feel affinity with both style and subject an affinity which accepts people labelled misfits by society also capable of feeling love and pain when rejected enjoy the continuation of love and misfits in other stories in the book course not so bad after all a book a week ensues all different in their writing stretching my perception another homework aaaaaaargh noooooooo try to approach it in sensible manner fail resort to last bastion engage what remains of academic brain draw once more on own process journal delve into past life for suitable episode come up with one and only honest special trip taken whilst stationary am now getting worried as oh dear suddenly find i am actually enjoying not only reading but writing all these weird styles perhaps experimental is more correct than weird depends on perspective is it the onset of alzheimers or is it all a part of the tutors cunning plan to widen horizons must be fate that decrees i have second choice of book selection nine completely new out of ten all stimulating find discussion opening my mind even more as students from different backgrounds bring different experiences voice their ideas food for thought enjoy the student led sessions giving variety of approach ideas innovation everyone becomes involved get a chance to make things do artwork though my efforts questionable as art cut stick paste shades of blue peter in per petterson’s out stealing horses i even wow get to partner miss can’t wait to tell the other kids in an unseen smelling of things really was relevant and revealing colson whiteheads the intuitionist follows slightly apprehensive as my lead so base initial stimulus on secure ground a history stimulus with own idea about perception eventually leads to great debate of term each participant putting forward their text supported ideas for due consideration great cut and thrust may now even have to concede more than passing interest in experimental writings do some googling and look for more authors in experimental vogue remember hearing laurence sternes tristram shandy described as most experimental book ever written never surpassed will make a good extension start to read am in the middle of volume two and tristram is not even born yet cant believe it was written mid eighteenth century great read producing periodic belly laughs
amongst digressions insights a fun book
another homework…
free choice…
much pencil chewing…
finally road to damascus…
actually road home…
after visit to sons house…
emmet till…
the boy haunts me from time to time…
notes straight away…
bare facts…
these engrained…
no need to check…
start to write prose piece…
but he wont let me…
prose not strong enough…
for what he knows…
i want to convey…
it just comes…
short staccato lines…
i can almost hear a drum beat…
all the passion…
strength of feeling goes into it…
till both at peace…
he is with me again…
although suspect the extended use of ellipses by foer is being influential here enjoy the week dealing with essay dagatas next american essay anne carsons plainwater so many different ways to write the mind whirls realise word essay encompasses wide variety such authors must be pursued criticism re course not enough time but there is a long summer time wise if not weather wise
end of term and only portfolio piece to complete totally misunderstand requirements go back to square one feel now should have only presented two pieces but satisfied with pass mark maybe could do better springs to mind but hey its all new to me enjoy the break as finding course very intense needing far more work than anticipated read lawrences t e not d h seven pillars of wisdom for light relief and to wind down impressed by superb use of english colons and semi colons abounding in cohesive l o n g sentences then read introduction often leave introduction to last don’t ask read g b shaw responsible for this so shows importance of an impartial someone else editing second term change of tutor different style seemingly more laid back but very astute and perceptive under relaxed presentation mustnt misread him new faces have appeared in much smaller group half from the u s of a make yet another mental note must curb sense of humour a sense of humour not always understood by american cousins in reality not always understood j s foers everything is illuminated begins the term sign of my progress no longer find strange annoying his use of different formats different fonts never think of that one i ask why he does this i see different voices different information magnificent spacing and it all has a purpose it works my awareness grows steadily read marlon james book of night women twice a book more to my natural historical inclination told in a watered down patois enhances helps set time scene almost without evoking emotion facts entwine with fiction realise read similar in accounts of u s of as history only this one in british empire lots of issues for discussions thort it were a reet gid reed bu fer endin take conscious decision not to write in patois of birth town hull best left in hull really on to claudia rankines don’t let me be lonely no wonder the woman fears being alone obviously cant sustain a thought through to a logical conclusion trying to have any meaningful discussion would end like eliots world wonder wholl buy my copy of rankine from charity shop gut reaction is dont envisage much influence on me although not totally dismissing her course taking effect or just hedging bets onto almost falling in love again revel in the sheer volume of positive energy in presenting essays of erudition variety minutiae an infinite whole of eliot weinbergers an elemental thing in his forms i have insight how can i try to emulate him when can never come anywhere near his brilliance can enjoy him repeatedly maybe apparent assumption reader is acquainted with authors extensive knowledge appeals to the recovering intellectual snob in me tackle a long played with subject in a much more exciting way thanks to weinberger produce in continued euphoria an essay almost a poem go on to read smiths hotel world first few pages result in book being thrown across room pick it up next morning persevere find i actually like this book one event different perspectives a chain of different voices not sure all voices distinct enough from each other but store idea for future reference even possible use carol shields the stone diaries develops mediaeval everyman to everywoman of today not a great heroine no earth shattering thinker philosopher a person with different facets seen by others all giving personal view maybe style again isnt always distinct enough to see observers themselves doesnt matter whether story is fact fiction daisy is you me him her them similarly junot diazs the brief wondrous life of oscar wao not always clear who is actually speaking content rather than style doing the job success for me in teenage speak the rant of teenage angst and self belief knowing it all love it going on and on love it always more sinned against than sinning great love it never their fault wonderfully misunderstood magnificent no one ever listens to them love it even more parents dont understand of course they dont parents were never teenagers they are born as parents how sad teenagers become parents with joshua beckmans things are happening wheel almost comes full circle link with stein each part as important as whole the disparate becoming part of a whole difficult to verbalise what i feel on reading beckman result is an instant poem with no revision even before class discussion with sir feel immense satisfaction not a little pride very perplexed about jeannette wintersons sexing the cherry not coherent in traditional way narrative built round set of loosely known facts or not seems to be crossing time possible space or not raises gender issues or not perplexity remains even after class discussion definitely need to read again or not final book don patersons rain first reading resulted in great mind blank read again another time another mood a different book read a third time a different place leads to enjoyment of rhythms words imagery his philosophical death dealing beautiful wont try to emulate him just enjoy now and future mostly remember year as fun tiring fun demanding fun fulfilling and fun learning new skills showing different nonjudgemental way of looking at literature exploring new avenues the old empire spirit awakening like rider haggard penetrating unknown territories dont remember seeing him on the official reading list back to the present enjoying the whole experience discovering new pathways reading established authors writing about writing defining and refining own efforts editing editing editing sympathetic tutors offering guidance opinions positive suggestions indicating possibilities alternatives some lead to changes slight or changes great some rejected but always provoking thought editing editing editing never believed so much necessary it works too one book remains leslie marmon silkos ceremony things change sometimes for good or not people must change nonacceptance may lead to stagnation open mind important to old have paths and choices as young in greek same word serves for young and new often is but i know that old and new lead to the positive enjoyable believing there are no boundaries being bold letting go of preconceived notions may even give rankine another chance in spirit of reconciliation test is what will endure everything has a season the ghost is gone
This section: Mary Irvine: Writer and Philhellene
Filed under: Mary Irvine: Writer and Philhellene
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