U3a Glasgow West End on Zoom

ourfirstmeeting u3a sept 2017

(First meeting U3a Glasgow West End, September, 2017)

During the pandemic U3a Glasgow West End has continued to meet on Zoom.

The group has its own You Tube Channel, where you can view some of their events.

Some Recent Talks at U3a Glasgow West End on Zoom

Pat’s Guide to the West End, Pat Byrne.

The Children’s Wood and North Kelvin Meadow, Andrea Fisher.

Remembering the U.C.S. Work-in. On 50 Anniversary of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders’ work-in as part of Glasgow West End and Paisley U3A local history research

The group plans a relaunch on the 21st October, 2021 details to follow.

This section: Blog: U3A Glasgow West End

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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