Added on Wednesday 23 Nov 2011
I managed to qualify to enter Junior Honours in History of Art, a subject I am really passionate about. This semester, I am studying Caravaggio, one of my favourite painters. The history around his time is very colourful but it was a violent time for everyone on the streets and Caravaggio liked to parade about with his sword to denote a higher ranking in society. Anyway, I love the course and the lecturer is very passionate about Caravaggio so makes it all come to life.
We are an exceptionally large year in Junior Honours which I think has shocked the Department. It is a department highly ranked in the University league tables and very much in demand as it also provides for students who have completed level 2 History of Art at the Colleges of the Auction Houses, Christies and Sothebys.
Unfortunately, I broke my leg last week on the Cowal Way and I am now home after surgery but I am housebound so I have missed the last two weeks of lectures and seminars. The Student Disability Services are helping me out by providing a note taker for the last week. I was due to make a presentation on Caravaggism with two others. Fortunately, I was able to email my notes, handout and powerpoint presentation to the lecturer to be delivered to the class in my absence. I have been on the Powerpoint course and now feel quite confident using it.
Over the next few weeks I will be writing my essay as best as I can as there were more books I would like to have read. As the exam is not until May, it was essential to have as many notes as possible for revision purposes.Hopefully, I will be able to walk again in late December so hope to be fit to continue the course with Architecture in Modernity and Methodology.
Otherwise on the campus, the Mature Students Association is doing well with a record number of members. Ironically, one of the other committee members has a broken bone but in the arm. I am regretting missing all the Xmas parties and festivities but there is always next year!