I've begun!

Added on Wednesday 7 May 2008

A May Day of Getting to Know You!
And a Free Music Show for you!

Hi folks, Chris Dooks of www.dooks.org here!

I am starting this west end blog today, Crack open the Curiosity Cola from Peckhams! (I should get a discount on the amount of it I drink).

It's Wednesday the 7th of May, six days after Yorkshirewoman Alice Dooks' birthday, (who was) my grandma and is now sadly no longer with us. She used a lot of terms from Yorkshire like "Bawtry" which means like a bull in a china shop. She also used to drink whisky every morning at 11am in her Nescafe. I used to send her bottles of the stuff when I worked in malt whisky for a living. She also used to pretend to dead when she was really only resting her eyes. She'd then open then and go "See! I caught ya!"

Anyway, I've so much to offer you - but one tasty treat per entry only. So click here to go to my monthly new music show, it's made here in the West End of Glasgow. Elie Street to be precise. I put so much love into it every month. It's not an official podcast yet, you have to go to the link above to download it, but I may make it a proper podcast very soon. It would make my day to get emails of folk who have popped this on their ipod and had a wander round. All the artists give me permission to use their stuff and this issue features an amazing song by the lovely Karine Polwart TOTALLY FREE! and legal. It's here...

I've fairly recently just moved to Glasgow after 15 years in Edinburgh. I'd LOVE to meet creative types in The West End. Musicians, Writers, Designers, Beatboxers, Breakdancers. I've got a show of ambient music in this year's West End Festival. Please come, it's in the programme and it's FREE! Stay for 8 minutes or 8 hours.

Chris :-) bovinelife@yahoo.com


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