Max Richter at Celtic Connections 2018 review and photography by Pauline Keightley

A night to remember!
Max Richter, renowned composer of stage and screen, performed his eight album of classical and electronic sound ‘Three Worlds: Music from Woolf Works (2017)’ at Celtic Connections. The music is from the score he composed for the ballet Woolf Works in collaboration with choreographer Wayne McGregor. The work follows a three-part structure offering evocations of three books by Woolf (Mrs Dalloway, Orlando, and The Waves). It includes a recording of Virginia Woolf’s voice.
Richter played piano and electronic keys along with the world class Scottish Chamber Orchestra (SCO) at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. There were slow, nurturing bass lines along with piano, melancholy violin, cello and electronic beats.

Max Richter, British post-minimalist contemporary composer, performed his new album, Three Worlds: Music From Woolf Works with the world class Scottish Chamber Orchestra (SCO) at Glasgow concert hall as part of Celtic Connections 2018.
A bell tolled as we heard Woolf’s hesitant and strange voice speak of her memories, before she gave up words and life, ‘No one could have been happier.’ Poignant piano melody returned with waves in the background and after a powerful moment, the haunting soprano voice of Grace Davidson.
Richter’s music is at times pioneering, aching, immersive and searching for resolutions. The performance was atmospheric with a stage lit with a flow of colour from soft purple to deep red.
A truly memorable concert. The performance was opened by harpist Catriona McKay and storyteller Alastair MacDonald. For a Reprise Richter performed a short piece entitled ‘On the Nature of Daylight’.
January, 2018
Review and Photos by Pauline Keightley –
This section: Celtic Connections 2018 Glasgow's winter music festival, Music Reviews, Pauline Keightley, Photography, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
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