Living Rent Writers’ Circle

Thursdays 6th, 13, 20 and 27 February, 2020 – 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.
John Smith House, 145-165 West Regent Street, G2 4RE
‘Living Rent’s writing circle is a space to collectively develop radical creative writing, grounded in the everyday experience of struggle and solidarity as we try to understand and change the world around us.
Each workshop will involve a chance to read, discuss and share work with other members in a supportive environment, as well as involving writing exercises based around a common theme. We aim to produce our own pamphlets and publications as a collective, and support participants in developing work for publication elsewhere, or for their own use in whatever form.
Themes or writing are not limited to anything in particular, but we aim to create a culture in the union where we explode the contradictions of unequal property relations through every means at our disposal – in action, theory, and writing; in the streets and on the page.
The writing circles will run weekly, and we can determine as a group how we see things developing.
Non-Living Rent members are welcome to come along – but join your union when you can!
Every Thursday, 6 – 8pm, Unite the Union, 165 West Regent Street, Glasgow.’
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Filed under: Classes and Workshops, Joiners Corner
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