Lesley Riddoch and her book Blossom – What Scotland Needs To Flourish

Blossombookcoverw150h221Lesley Riddoch read from her book, Blossom, last night at The Muse at St Louis. This is a great night with a mixture of new writers reading short pieces, more experienced writers and poets performing their work and a musical interlude (Jim Byrne – provided that last night and played a short, knock out set).  The host is the exuberant (and organised) Linda Jackson – one very talented woman.

But back to Lesley Riddoch. I was looking forward to hearing her read from her book after seeing her on Question Time a few weeks ago – her views are insightful, intelligent and well substantiated.  She is a gifted communicator and last night she read at some length from her book – the chapter on culture – and it was fascinating.  She’s a sheer pleasure to listen to and her contribution to this Independence debate, amid all the spin, smoke, mirrors and vitriol, is thought provoking and free of the boring blame theme that we hear so often.

She’s on tour with her book and will be in Glasgow School of Art, Friday 21st February.

Then at other venues throughout Scotland:

  • Tues Feb 25th Aberdeen 7pm Queens Cross Church
  • Weds 26th Feb Oldmeldrum 2pm Meldrum Library, Colpy Road, Free
  •  Saturday 1 March Linlithgow 2pm 1st floor Star & Garter hotel, High Street,  Linlithgow Tickets £6.00 tel Lavinia Kilbride 01506 847342. Also book signing Star & Garter 1pm in pub before talk (in case venue sells out!) 

  •  Saturday 5th April  Aye Write, Glasgow  3pm Working title “What are the differences between Scotland and England?”
  • Saturday 13th April Easdale Hall by Oban 
  •  Friday 25thApril Arran, Community Hall, High School, Lamlash  Contact Ailsa McNicol ailsa.mcnicol@btconnect.com
  •  Sat 26thApril Islay Columba Centre bear Bowmore
  •  Sat 17th May 2014 Carrying the Fire Wiston Lodge, South Lanarks  http://www.carryingthefire.co.uk/
  •  Sat 21st June Dunblane 10.30am Victoria Halls Scottish Allotments conference AGM 
  •  20-22nd June Solas Festival, near Perth Date and time tbc
  •  August Edinburgh Book Festival Date tbc
  • September 4th Orkney Science Festival Kirkwall


Poetry Launch Night Glasgow: The Last Supper
Michael Schmidt, Caroline Bird and Michael Pedersen, 19th February, Neu Reekie

This section: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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