The Glad Cafe, Glasgow’s Industrial History, Spoken Word with Martin O’Connor, 4 and 5 November, 2016
A solo spoken word performance by Martin O’Connor in English, Scots and Gaelic, which explores the industrial expansion of Glasgow alongside attitudes to tradition, cultural identity and marginalised voices. Included will be a soundscape of recorded conversations with people discussing personal relationships to their own voice and ways of speaking, which Martin has collected from around the country.
Coileanadh aon-ghuthach labhairte le Martin O’Connor ann am Beurla, Albais agus Gàidhlig, a tha a’ rannsachadh an leudachaidh air saoghal gnìomhachais Ghlaschu còmhla ri seasamhan a thaobh traidisean, dearbh-aithne chultarach agus guthan air an iomall. An lùib sin bidh cruth-fuaim de chòmhraidhean clàraichte le daoine a’ deasbad air dàimhean pearsanta a rèir an guth fhèin agus an dòighean labhairt, a tha Martin air a chruinneachadh bho mun cuairt na dùthcha.
Presented by Glasgow Life in partnership with the Glad Café.
Air a thaisbeanadh le Glaschu Beò ann an com-pàirteachas Glad Café.
This section: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
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