Denise Noone Bathing Bells at Govanhill Baths review by Pat Byrne

A fabulous exhibition in the perfect venue
Govanhill Baths provided the perfect back drop for Denise Noone’s wonderful exhibition Bathing Bells; showing colourful images of women over 40 in bathing costumes and very successfully celebrating joyous women ‘ringing their own bell’. Denise’s photographs had ‘none of the usual alluring or come-hither poses associated with swimwear ‘ and the photographs show women who are ‘firm-footed, adorned and vibrant’ and refreshingly neither ‘pouty’ nor ‘dour.’
Unique and vibrant. I absolutely loved the exhibition.
It was great to meet to Denise, and her mum, both lively and charming women, who were delighted by how successful the exhibition had been – while we were there a television crew arrived to interview Denise.

Denise Noone and Jim Monaghan Govanhill Baths
I was also happy to meet Jim Monaghan, co-ordinator of the Arts Programme at the Baths, whose talent as a poet has been used to considerable effect in driving forward the scheme to save the baths.
Govanhill Baths
I’ve often promoted events in Govanhill on my website, although quite a way from Glasgow’s West End the area is characterised by an amazing level of community activity, which invariably attracts my attention. This includes exciting community events involving the area’s multi-cultural community, with Govanhill Baths acting as the hub.
Govanhill Baths Community Trust demonstrates just how effective communities can be in fighting for local resources and revitalising neighbourhoods. The Govanhill Trust is underpinned by a strong grassroots movement focused on tackling racism, promoting inclusiveness, education, wellbeing, art, theatre and community events including the fabulous Govanhill Carnival.
Jim and I were lucky that we made it over to Denise’s exhibition as the Save Our Pool Campaign is now at the stage where the baths are closing for major refurbishment, which when completed will see a swimming pool back in operation in Govanhill. I’ll look forward to some major celebrations when the pool reopens, and maybe even a swim.
Pat Byrne, September, 2018
Find out more about Govanhill Baths Community Trust
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