Aye Write 2022 – Andy Arnold with Kirstin Innes and David Bratchpiece Brickwork: A Biography of the Arches
Friday 6 May, 2022 at 8 p.m.
Nightclub, theatre, creative hub, party place, The Arches was one of the most important venues in Scotland.
In 1991, former punk-turned-theatre director Andy Arnold walked into the disused red brick Victorian railway arches underneath Glasgow’s Central Station and immediately saw the potential of the space. Not even he could have imagined its future, as simultaneously one of the biggest and most famous nightclubs in the world and a major player on the European theatre scene. Until its closure following a drug-related death in 2015, The Arches carved its own, indefinable path, playing a vital role in the lives of many Scottish artists along the way. Some of those stars of the future began their careers taking tickets, hanging coats and serving drinks there. Two former employees, novelist Kirstin Innes (Scabby Queen, Fishnet) and comedian and actor David Bratchpiece have collaborated on this definitive book in which the people who made the venue get to tell their story. Piecing together accounts from directors, DJs, performers, clubbers, artists, bar tenders, actors, audiences and staff, Brickwork writes the biography of a space that was always more than its bricks and mortar.
This section: Aye Write Book Festival 2022, Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events
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