
Friday 12 to Thursday 18 July, 2024

Exercise is not a luxury. It is the key to healthy ageing.’ – Olga Kotelko (1919-2014), World record holder – Masters’ athletics

In a quiet corner, far removed from big money, celebrity status and drug scandals lies the true value of sport. This is a film about friendship and purpose in masters athletics, a place where every five years, getting older means becoming the youngest. All tickets are £6.50.

Younger follows a group of female athletes in their 60s, 70s and 80s over the course of a year as they prepare to compete in masters competitions. In these competitions, athletes compete in age groups that span five years, 60-64, 65-69 etc. When an athlete moves up an age group they are then the youngest, and this means they are more likely to win or break records. So, as they approach the top end of their classification, they look forward to being a year older and moving up to the next group where they will be the new kid on the block again.

Dorothy, 85, loves the camaraderie of her gang (as she calls them). Joylyn, 69 hopes to keep going into her 80s and 90s. Sue, 69, says pole vaulting has helped her cope with cancer, twice. Noel, 74, loves the technical challenge of race walking. For all of them, training and competing in masters athletics is about being part of a supportive community, achieving personal goals and living a purposeful life full of adventures and fun. In doing so, these women show an energy, joyful determination, and fulfilment in older age, that offers a powerful antidote to lazy stereotypes around ageing.

Screening with short film Older: A portrait of photographer and activist, Alex Rotas.

The 6:40PM performance on July 13 is preceded by an introduction from co-director Alex Rotas.

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GFT 12 Rose Street, G3 6RB

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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