Archived page: July 2011

Added on Friday 15 Jul 2011

All things domestic excite you this month. Have a crack at some home improvements, organise family gatherings - although don't expect everyone to share your enthusiasm. The final quarter segment of the month sees you able to fully engage the creative side of your brain. Cutting yourself off may not bring you the contentment you imagine, however.

Mars ramps up your luck and switches on that knack you have for driving a hard bargain. Bright ideas hit you from all angles too, making this the perfect commercial combination. You might want to consider that input from other people may just refine what you've come up with - and maximise moneymaking potential.

Your entrepreneurial ability leaves others in the shade. Mars in your sign for most of the month helps you look critically at finances, and how best to make any investments work harder for you in the long-term. You have your ruler Mercury on your side, so your quicksilver mind will soon cultivate some grand designs.

July belongs to you. The combined energy of the sun in your sign together with a new moon imbues you with charm and persuasion. Single? Venus also pitches up, to ensure that you're radiating magnetism and turning a few heads. But don't let it go to yours. Add a hefty dollop of good old- fashioned Cancerian humility to the mix for maximum potential.

The cosmos is paving the way for you to take stock of how you earn your crust. It may very well hinge on your own perception of what you think you deserve. The sun is your ruling planet, and it arrives back in your sign in the third week of the month, helping you obliterate any lingering self-doubt.

A month of reckoning at work, as Mars at the top of your chart gives you an adrenalin shot. Venus, meanwhile, gifts you with a magnetism that appeals to all-comers, and the sun is shining in your friendship zone. So all in all you may encounter an above average number of invites coming at you from all angles.

There has been little let-up for you recently with strict Saturn resident in your sign. This is the month, however, when you will begin to see the results of all that hard work. Although there may well be some more tiny obstacles still to clear away. At the end of the month, the sun lights a fire underneath your ambition.

Even loved ones don't stand much of a chance of making even a small dent in your thinking once you've made up your mind. This month is a different story, as something you're told could prompt you to shift your stance. Will you adopt a belief or solution to a problem that's really quite uncharacteristic - and radical?

Boredom brings on your notorious restlessness. If any such sense creeps up on you this month, all you'll have to do is look a little harder to discover a new challenge or two. Tune in to the positive cosmic energy by using that canny Sagittarian intuition - and be prepared to satisfy your wanderlust once the sun hits Leo.

Someone may persuade you to reconsider your point of view. This is a good thing. With good humoured Jupiter in Taurus and the sun in your partnership zone, there will be an unmistakable sense of fun in your closest relationships as the month progresses. There could even be a sense of abandon to you!

July's an ideal month to revisit financial planning and apply some reworking if necessary. But please trust in your own thinking and don't go asking all and sundry for advice. The final week of the month increases your already powerful personal magnetism, and your good natured banter will be in severe demand.

The new moon in Cancer will enhance your creativity, no question, and its development holds the key to the riches this month holds. Your ruler Neptune is making its powerful energy felt in your sign on top of all this. This planet excites your sense of spirituality and ensures that your wisdom will be sought out by many in your circle.

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