Archived page: What's in the Stars January 2011

Added on Tuesday 4 Jan 2011


Anything new excites you, like this time of year. Mars moves into your friendship zone, so you may fall back on strong-arm tactics, if you don't get your way. Don't be surprised if this is met with some resistance. Jupiter moves back into your sign and, as the giant planet, your thinking will be big.


The sun occupies the most philosophical part of your chart, so you'll start the new year in a positive frame of mind. Your ruler Venus cranks up the temperature where romance is concerned, and you may have to up your game, too. Jupiter's move back into Aries encourages you to see people in a whole new light.


Doors will open to you from the outset, so keep your eyes and ears open for when opportunity knocks. Venus is the planet that rules attraction, and it's in your partnership zone, so you won't be lacking in persuasion this month. The sun in Capricorn helps you plan for the coming year, and Jupiter in Aries brings luck via your friends.


Pluto in your relationship zone may shake things up with your significant other and put a fresh slant on a situation. Luck planet Jupiter makes a move back into the part of your chart connected to opportunity, plonking you in the right place at the right time. And if you're looking for ears to bend, your friends will lend you theirs.


You are the fire sign that keeps the home fires burning, and curled up at home next to the hearth is where you'd like to be this month. Not possible, I'm afraid, as the sun in Capricorn means that there will be lots of significant happenings at work. Then, once the sun and Mars moves into your partnership zone, love becomes exciting.


You begin 2011 on a high. Mars and the sun move into your work area, making you more driven and less compromising in your career, or over health matters. So whether it's shedding a few pounds from the Festivities or rolling up your sleeves, you will get the job done. Jupiter's move brings financial luck.


Your ruler Venus makes you a social whizz, good job really, as no party is complete without a Libran. Saturn reminds you of the positive steps you made towards self-improvement last year, so keep it up. The sun and Mars work together to enhance your creativity, and Jupiter in your partnership zone brings luck in love.


The sun and Mars help you lay the foundations for all your 2011 plans. You are on top form, with Jupiter in Aries, so let's see some self-belief. Venus in your sign at the start of the month ensures that you are looking and feeling good and, if you are single, this is an excellent time for meeting someone who excites you. Try to be open to this.


There's no reason why you shouldn't be feeling quite content and happy this month and, from 8th onwards, Venus in your sign charges your emotional batteries. Once the sun moves into Aquarius, along with Mars and your ruler Jupiter, you will be buzzing with loads of ideas, and you should have everybody on board.


Pluto in your sign increases your willpower and gives you the determination to take ideas beyond the debating stage. Venus makes a move into Sagittarius, meaning that you may be feeling quite nostalgic, but it's the here and now you should be concerned with. Jupiter's move means that you can win.


The cosmos ignites your ambitious streak and you should be confident in your own abilities in order to maximise your natural potential. Don't allow naysayers to derail your plans, or erode your self-belief. Jupiter's move brings creativity to your ideas and, with the sun and Mars in your sign late on, this is your time.


Jupiter and Uranus in your sign make you realise that this year is going to be a corker. Get ready. Saturn may slow you your progress a tad, but this is only to ensure that your plans have legs. This is a month where you will go all out to get what you want and, with a new moon in the equation too, you'll know exactly what people you need on board to help further your ambition.