Fiona Alderman: Alternative Salignac

It is a very strange affair. In the last few months new businesses have opened here in “Sillygnac”. Good of course for the village but let me tell you what they are. Alternative medicine / complementary techniques such as reflexology, naturopathic treatments and two which are in French – an Energeticienne and an Etiopathe both without real English translations. In a small village like ours why? In an old converted barn that I have walked by for 24 years now, two alternative practitioners have taken this building over and reopened it into what looks to be a thriving business.
Recently I’ve had some stress related issues resulting in a very nasty facial rash. I went to the Energeticienne who worked on channeling energies and opening my chakras which were apparently blocked. My grief of nearly two years now has finally surfaced she said, in the body and in my face. A very kind and pleasant lady therapist, who took the time to listen to me and to work on several issues. It has greatly helped. She even does “ a distance “ by phone, when I feel worried or upset, she can do something using my energy flow to ease the stress.
Another therapist is next door and she does massage, coaching for Women’s health, reflexology and is a Naturopath. I have had a free visit already to see what would be the best for me and am going to have some reflexology soon. The Ethiopathe is someone who cares for a majority of our illnesses, without medicines and with no secondary effects. From back and knee pains to more complex digestive ones, he treats the whole body, by manipulating by hands the patient. I went to him as I was suffering from arthritis in both knees. After one session, I was certainly a lot freer in movement. All this of course, depends on how positive you feel about alternative medicine, but I have always favoured it. The French are perhaps a bit more open to this now, but conventional medicine is still regarded as the mainstay. I have mentioned it to my local doctor and she isn’t adverse, but quietly non-comittal ! Rural France, I love it.
A Sewing machine, a Glass of wine in an old railway station ?
Yes, all three. Nearly thirty years ago, when Barry and I visited our lovely Dordogne with a view to live here one day, we came across a most marvellous spot. Time had stopped. Near Beynac, where we were staying on holiday, we had many forays around the area and came across an old deserted railway station. The line from Veysac to Beynac. It looked interesting and there was a little bar at the back of the building. The station had been unused for a long time, but a little French sign told us there was a bistrot still open. So French. Again , rural France, where time is ticking away ………. We went up to a first balcony where the bistrot was, music playing of course, I can’t remember what but you already get the ambiance !! We walked into another world. A little old lady was sitting by the window and turning the wheel on an old fashioned sewing machine. She was charming, and offered us some wine in goblets taken from a huge antique dresser. We were mesmerized. I can’t remember what we talked about either or maybe the wine was strong? We stumbled out into the sunshine and went back to the hotel. We did ask about it, but got very strange looks. Did it really exist ? The next year we did go back but the bistrot had gone. In the newspaper though just recently, there was an article about this station. It has been taken over as a private residence and is part of a series of books written about these old railway stations. Absolutely fascinating. I still remember that day vividly all those years ago. Who would have imagined I would be here living in France and writing about that.
A Cordial Understanding

Gottlob, Fernand-Louis (n.1873-02-23 – d.1935-11-10), Entente cordiale (Titre donn? par l’auteur), 1907. Pierre noire. Crayon bleu. Encre noire et gouache blanche sur papier. Petit Palais, Mus?e des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris.
Just recently, on the 8th April, the Entente Cordiale celebrated its 120 years of “understanding “. The two countries of France and the United Kingdom, had signed in 1904 a series of agreements to forge a strong relationship with each other. At first, it was mainly about fishing rights between them, and then about colonial issues such as Egypt and Morocco.Egypt would become under Britain’s influence and Morocco under France. It was not directed against Germany but perhaps a strong pact could be forged between these two countries in case of troubles. This Entente Cordiale marked the end of nearly 1000 years of conflict between France and the UK but rivalries remain even to this day. A big ceremony took place in Paris earlier this month, with both the French President and members of the British Royal family. I am not certain if many French people would know what it was for and its importance today.
Fifi’s stories from rural France April 2024.
This section: Fiona Alderman blogging from The Salignac Foundation France
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