Elf at CinemaArc, University of Glasgow

elf cinema arc

Wednesday 11 December, 2024 at 5.30 p.m.

CinemaArc, Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow, 11 Chapel Lane Glasgow G11 6EW

The ARC is excited to present Elf (2003) for this year’s festive film screening. In this much loved family favourite, Buddy, an oversized elf, travels from the North Pole to New York City to spread the Christmas spirit.

Before the film, you will hear from Dr Hongling Liang from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures about the Dongzhi (Winter Solstice) Festival in China and the traditions associated with it. She will introduce the practice of shujiu, which symbolises the transition through the coldest days of winter until the arrival of spring through drawing or writing. During the talk, you will get to try your hand at making your own shujiu.


Doors open: 17.30-17.45

Talk and demomstrations from Dr Hongling Liang: 17.45-18.15

Film screening: 18.20-19.50

Elf (PG) | 2003 | 1h 30m

Directed by Jon Favreau, Elf has become a Christmas classic since it was released in 2003. Starring Will Ferrell and Zoe Deschanel, it follows the oversized elf Buddy on his journey to New York City to find his biological father.

About Dr Hongling Liang

Before being appointed as Lecturer in Chinese at Glasgow in 2014, Hongling was Lecturer in Chinese Studies at the National University of Ireland (Maynooth), Senior Research Fellow at the City University of Hong Kong, and ATRE (Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) at the University of Lyon. Her current research project explores thinking on education undertaken by the Paris Chinese anarchist group from the late Qing to the early Republican era.

Tickets and Information

This event is free, but ticketed. Reserve a spot at Eventbrite

You will be permitted to one drink on arrival, while stocks last.

You are welcome to bring your own food, but please take any rubbish away with you.

Please enter the ARC via the main entrance.

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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