Benny Lynch Heritage Trail, Calton Bar

benny lynch heritage trail

Tuesday 25 February, 2019

Glasgow Literary Lounge

Peter Mortimer is back at the Glasgow Literary Lounge, and he’s taking us on The Benny Lynch Heritage Trail with Christina Milarvie Quarrel. This story is about the extraordinary life of a Scottish icon. Benny Lynch who was the people’s champion. From growing up in the Gorbals to being Scotland’s first boxing world champion at the age of 22. His rise was meteoric. He won the Scottish European and World championship in 1935 and defended his title no less than three times. Benny Lynch died in 1946. The Benny Lynch Heritage Trail tells the story about his life focusing on his many accomplishments.

Peter Mortimer is a Researcher, Historian, Writer and Flaneur leading yearly heritage walks in Parkhead, Calton and Bridgeton at Doors Open Day. President of the Old Glasgow Club during its Centenary Year in 2000, he is the current Secretary of the Bridgeton Library Local History Group. Mortimer is a member of the Gorbals History Group contributing to group publications, and a walking tour app. He also contributes to history and heritage for Thriving Places, a project at the Bambury Centre in Barrowfield, offering heritage walks, films, talks, a local publication, and is a regular speaker to groups on Glasgow related historical topics. He contributes and administers the website of and the Parkhead Heritage Trail in conjunction with Glasgow City Council. A walking guide for the Eastern Necropolis, Mortimer also works with local schools on raising awareness of local history and heritage. He is a tour guide for ‘C’Mon Get Aff’ bus tour around the Gorbals and offers Old Glasgow lectures at the Mitchell Library and Strathclyde University. The author of five books by Stenlake Publishing:

Christina Milarvie Quarrell is a poet, photographer and artist. One of five sisters born in Govanhill, she was raised in the Gorbals. As part of a working-class family, the values of ‘people before profit’ were learned at an early age. Community Arts, the value of songs, music, and stories alongside creating and gathering of research related to working-class communities and culture is her passion. Her lifetime Mantra is ‘Expression not Suppression.’


We are seeking readers/performers to share their work after the presentation and it’s open to your interpretation. Whatever sparks your imagination, anything goes! Each creative will be given a 5-7 minute slot to be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Slot times will be shared on the night. To secure a slot Contact Ruby McCann: Host for the evening is Jim Ferguson.

This is a FREE Event for All

Calton Bar, 415, London Road, Glasgow, G40 1AG

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Scottish Writers' Centre Periodical Publishing with Gerry Cambridge, Joy Hendry & Henry Bell

This section: Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Pat's Home Page Blog

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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