Arcadia Festival – Open Call for Events

arcadia festival university of glagow


ARCadia is a festival that will celebrate the public opening of the Advanced Research Centre (ARC) a flagship new building for the University and the people of Glasgow.

The festival’s public programme will run from 16 September to 30 September 2022, coinciding with Doors Open Day Weekend, the September Weekend and Explorathon.

The University if calling for events and activities that will showcase, celebrate and engage the public with the fantastic diversity of research and innovation happening in Glasgow today. 

The aim is to bring ARC to life and create a welcoming, inspiring space for everyone, inside and outside of the University. This is a unique opportunity to be a part of this major celebratory event.

Of particular interest are ideas that involve: 

  • Collaboration between the university and non-academic groups
  • A mix of disciplines or sectors, from the arts to social, physical and life sciences
  • Engaging traditionally marginalised groups, or groups who experience barriers to accessing the university e.g. those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010
  • Engaging communities local to the ARC including, but not limited to,  postcodes G11, G3, G12 
  • Creative approaches to engagement

Events from all disciplines are welcome and encouraged.

Festival Fund

If your event requires funding, you are invited to apply for the Festival Fund, which is embedded within the proposals form (interested groups outwith the university can apply to the fund in partnership with staff or students). 

See full details about how to propose an activity or event Deadline 31 May, 2022.

If an event idea is not yet fully formed, that’s not a problem – support will be provided during the summer to finalise details.

Any questions please get in touch with or

Alma Wolfson - 'A Painter's Passion'
Performers at Glasgow Jazz Festival 2022

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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