Personal Development for Glasgow Westenders: Watch out there's a thief about

Photo: logo.Thieves are everywhere and come in various forms.

There are the dream thieves, those folk with whom you share your hopes, dreams and ambitious plans only to be met with "Ooohhh you don't want to do that!" or "That'll never work!", "We've tried that". I bet those of you who have given up secure employment to go travelling or to set up on your own have been asked "What about your pension?" Not a particularly important question when you're only halfway through your working life!

Ever wondered what motivates these bubble busters? FEAR - of change, the unknown, of being left behind and so forth!

Time Thieves

Time thieves are people who, for one reason or another, take up more of your time and support than you have to give. To be fair, time thieves aren't always people. It might be work, or a particular activity that's becoming all consuming. Have you ever been on the web to check something out only to find that you've been sucked up in the surf and lost hours? Has it become a routine to stay late at the office to finish a task?

Confidence Thieves

Confidence thieves are often driven by envy and try to strip you of your self esteem by their words or actions. These are perhaps the most dangerous of the pack and require the most courage to challenge but they need to be stopped.

Mood Thieves

Finally, the mood thieves! You bump into these people feeling great and leave them feeling down

So, I'm asking:

  • what or who is stealing from your life?
  • how can you stop it or minimise the impact?
  • and finally, is there something that you need to steal back for yourself? Like time or support or happiness?

Make some changes and then be on the lookout for those thieves so that you can hold onto your dreams, your time, your confidence. Don't let them steal your happiness and hang onto your positive frame of mind.

Copyright Anne McGhee, Successful Steps 2008

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Member of the International Coach Federation and the Association for Coaching.

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