The White Cockade, OranMor, 30 May, 2015

The White Cockade

Sat, 30 May, 2015 at 7:00pm

OranMor top of Byres Road

The White Cockade is the history in words and in song of the Jacobites. It covers the most romantic period in the history of Scotland, from the battle of Killiecrankie in 1689 to the slaughter of Culloden in 1746 and the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie to the Western Isles.

It tells in gripping fashion the story of the Massacre of Glencoe, one of the darkest days in the history of our nation, and of the treacherous killing of the Macdonalds.

It tells also the intriguing tale of the ’45, and the slaughter perpetrated by the Hanoverian army on the field of Culloden Moor and beyond. It tells too of the escape of Prince Charlie to the islands, of the bravery of Flora Macdonald, and of the five months he hid there, never betrayed by a people loyal to him to the end despite a huge ransom on his head.

The music and song are provided by Alastair McDonald, one of Scotland’s favourite recording stars, one of our most renowned folk singers and star of many productions.

The story is written and narrated by Len Murray, widely regarded as one of this country’s most powerful orators. He has spoken on all five continents and is Dean of the Guild of Robert Burns Speakers.

The White Cockade is quite unique and nothing like it has been heard here before. It has been performed several times in the central belt, and always well received.

The audience are invited to join in with such songs as Killiecrankie, Ye Jacobites, Glencoe, Hey Johnnie Cope, and many others.

Tickets £10
Buy online at Ticketweb
08444 77 1000

WCS Final Year Acting students: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Arches, 29 - 30 May, 2015
The Brother’s Suit by Peter McDougall, OranMor Saturday 23 May, 2015

This section: What's on in Glasgow: Theatre and Comedy

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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